Jackson's Map Key

Jackson's Map

Liza produced her own YouTube video of "The Three Little Pigs!" 11.12.2020

The third little pig was pretty sad that his mom didn’t want him any more. He knew it must be hard for his forty-three year old twin pig brothers. They had funked every grade except for preschool, they had gotten lots of early dismissals because of bad behavior. They also were emotional. He wasn’t as old as his forty-three year old fat pig brothers. He was only thirteen years old. He knew he had to build a house. He walked along a long bumpy country road. Oh! He thought, there are sure a lot of tumbleweeds. Finally after dodging 279 tumble weeds and 345 horses and 987 Carriages he spotted a brick store.He ran over and opened the door. The air was fresh and cool inside. He walked up to the counter and spotted a gold bell. Underneath there was a sign that said RING IF NO ONE THERE. He pushed the bell with a soft ‘ting!’ A pretty young woman came from out behind a door. Her stilettos clicked sharply on the floor. “Welcome to Barry’s Brick Store. How may I help you?” “I was wondering if you could show me where some good bricks are so I can buy them.”“All right Mr. Pig there right this way.” She showed him the best bricks they had. The bricks were $50 dollars each! He looked around for some other bricks but the lowest price they had was $15 dollars, and the ones for that price looked like if you touched them they’d crumble to pieces. He bought 500 bricks and turns out they had a 100% off sale. He walked out and looked for a place to start his house. After thirty minutes he found a nice spot under a tree with smooth ground. Hmmm. He thought Maybe I can make a reading bench under the tree after I build my house. He went and bought some cement. He started building his house. He put one brick down and then another, and another and another! Soon he had made a pretty decent square 100 feet wide all around. Then he glopped some cement on to his hand. It was ooey and gooey and felt disgusting! He shook it off his hand and ran and got a shovel. He scooped the shovel in and put it on to the brick then, he put another brick on top of that. He worked for five days. The hardest part was when his forty-three year old fat pig brothers made fun of him. Their houses were already done and it was funny that he had to work so hard. But when he was done it looked better than all the other pigs’ houses. It had an emerald green door with a matching knocker and a radio inside. Then he walked out of his house to buy boards for his reading bench.The third little pig walked along the road. Soon he spotted a hardware store. He went on the door and the smell of dry wood filled his nose. He soon found some good boards. He dashed home and dropped them off. Then he ran to the furniture store and bought lots of things. Then he went to the railing store and bought some nice black railing. He went back and built his bench. Then, he added the railing. He grabbed a fur blanket of an emerald green and laid it on the bench. Then he added very fancy pillows. He sat down and thought. Hmm. What should I do with these extra boards? Then he jumped up! “I’ll build a table with them!” He said. He got to work. Except this time he spray painted the boards and carved them a specific way so it looked VERY fancy. He went inside and popped popcorn and drizzled melted chocolate over it. Then he made three chocolate smoothies and walked outside. His brothers looked at him enviously as he sat the smoothies on the table and the popcorn. Then he called “HEY GUYS! WANT TO HAVE SOME CHOCOLATE??” His brothers ran over and immediately. They were about to slurp down the chocolate smoothies when he yelled “STOP!!!!” His brothers looked at him. Then He said, “I forgot the cake” and his brothers slumped like a popped balloon. Seconds later he ran out with a chocolate cake almost as big as him. He sat the cake down while his brothers looked licking their lips at the chocolate. Then he announced “TODAY IS OFFICIAL CHOCOLATE DAY!!” And then he cut . big slices of cake and set them on plates. And his brothers shoved popcorn down their mouth and slurped up their smoothies and shoved their faces into their thick moist chocolate cake slices. The third little pig was a little disgusted. He told his brothers to go home. He used the last of his boards and blankets to make a bed. He heard a knock on the door. He asked”Who is it?” “It’s me. Your brother.” He opened the door. His twin brother had left over straw so he gave some to him. “Why this is just what I need!!” Shouted the third little pig. He gave his brother an extra slice of cake, thanked him and closed the door. The third little pig made a pillowcase out of a blanket and then stuffed the straw in. It makes the perfect pillow. He thought. He laid down and soon fell asleep. He did not know a dark shadow was lurking around. . . . . . The next morning he woke up and fixed himself a strawberry souffle and some toast. That day flew by like a breeze, he bought books,fixed lunch,ate dinner, and then it was time to go to sleep. He s-l-o-w-l-y d-r-i-f-t-e-d off to sleep. The dark shadow outside howled loud and long. The little pig woke up with a start and trembled at the sound of the howl. All of a sudden someone was knocking frantically on his door and he opened it . . . . . . . . His twin pig brother crashed in and stammered “Help us! A wolf is outside trying to eat us!!!!” The third pig hid them under the staircase where they ate cake. A growling voice filled the room. And a big pair of eyes stared through the windows. “I WILL EAT YOU ALL!!!!” He growled. He started climbing up the tree. The third little pig boiled some water while the wolf climbed down the chimney. He could almost taste the bacon in his mouth. Then suddenly he splashed into a pot of boiling water. “YOWEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!” Said the wolf. He shot back up the chimney. He ran as fast as his paws would carry him. The third little pig snorted. “HOORAY!!!” Shouted his brothers! “That’s probably the last time I will see him.” The third pig said. But little did they know the wolf pack was planning revenge BIG TIME.
-Lulie Mae 11.17.2020

Evy's Big Pig Place

Lulie Mae's Pig Town

Jacob's map

Nov. 10, 2020

Once there was a little pig that was gigantically old. He was told to go out and make his own house. So, the little pig set out on an adventure through the forests. When he saw a pile of sticks, he went to go get some of them when a different pig came to bring the sticks to the town to sell.
He asked the other pig if he could have some sticks and the other pig said “No, you must go to town or get your own.” So the little pig climbed as high as he could up a tree and got some sticks thinking he would have a nice, warm house.
He built his house where his brothers’ houses were thinking it was a good idea (but it wasn’t).
A big bad hungry, thirsty wolf came and asked the little pig if he would let him have some water and food. The little pig said “no” and with a plan to get rid of that big bad wolf, the pig got a pan and prepared it at the chimney.
The wolf went down the chimney and got his head knocked with a pan. Later, at the middle of the night, he snuck around the sleeping pig and got himself some water. Then, he opened the door and took one step outside… “YYYYEEEEOOOOWWWWYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!” he screamed.
He had gotten stuck in the trap that the second pig made and the wolf was sure stuck until he huffed and puffed and blew the trap off and away. He ran but the three pigs blocked him. So, the wolf said “Sorry” to the three pigs.
Then the wolf went away and the second pig broke his house down that was made of sticks and built it a different way while the wolf was getting some more sticks…
  • Bobby M. 11.10.2020


Jackson R


Here we are celebrating Three Little Pigs Day.



Oh! I love my little pig(Did I say little? I really mean big!)He weighs just under 349Most of that is fine pork rind!Some of it is extra thick baconSometimes he’s dancing, sometimes he’s shakin’His big snout flairs as he roots aboutThat’s my big pig Tig, out and about.

Tig is friends with another porkerWho’s ten pounds lighter, 2 feet shorter.They met at a slop near McQuarter’s placeBoth had cheese hanging from their faceThey think they’re each real popular guysThen realized to their surpriseBeing invited to breakfast, lunch, and supJust happens to mean their time is up!
  • Emmel 11.11.2020

Jackson's little pigs

The first little pig felt a little forlorn just because his mom basically kicked him out of the house. Maybe she had a point because he was thirty nine years old. One day he was walking through the fields searching for some wear to build. Finally he found the perfect place. But that wasn't the only thing he had to do. He had to find all the materials to build the house. So he went to town and was looking all around for a place to get things to build his house. So he quickly found the place that had the materials that he needed to build with. The smell of cheese sizzling on a nice little plate of nachos filled the air and made his mouth drool. He bought a bunch. The daylight was starting to fade so he walked to the spot he found that he was going to build on. He built his house very quick even though he made it quick he didn't make it out of the best material. He made it out of straw. When he finished he noticed he didn't have any furniture at all. He just slept on the ground that night planning to go to town and buy some in the morning. When the first little pig woke up he got dressed and headed to the town. He bought every single piece of furniture he needed and went back home. He decorated the house and put all the furniture out on the floor. The next day while he was eating a wolf came by. The wolf said, ``Let me in, little pig or I'll huff and puff and I'll blow your house down.” “No no no not by the hair of my chinny chin chin” said the first little pig so the wolf huffed and he puffed and so the wolf blew the first Pig's house down. The first Pig was terribly sad and he cried and cried. Then he went to his brother's house and he stayed there for the rest of his life. His brother helped him out and took care of him for the rest of his life.
  • Charlotte 11.11.2020

Charley's Oink Oink Pig Map

Charlotte's Pig Map

Shravya's Pig Map

Colin's Pig Map

Deklan's Pig Map