The Great Ice Race! Students posed a testable questions, hypothesized, wrote their procedure, tested their hypothesis, then wrote their results about how fast they could melt an ice cube. Cool, huh? 9.30.2020

Lulie Mae








We are studying liquid capacity and students created their own gallon people! 9.21.2020

Paige's Ms. Gallon Woman

Lulie Mae's Gallon Woman

Gallon Callie

Wad Launchers!

Today our testable question was: If we change the kind of paper in our paper wad, will it affect the distance it travels when launched? We also built our own "wad launchers" out of elastic and chair legs or chair legs and t-shirts. We are learning to problem-solve and be resourceful with our materials. We build the launchers to make sure the force we used was a control variable.


Charley about to launch her paper wad.

Charley gives a big thumbs up!

Ice Cube Race!

Testable Question: If I change the kind of liquid, will it affect how fast an ice cube melts?


Callie's liquids

Lulie Mae's liquids

Deklan's liquids

Liza's liquids

Colin's liquids

Mapping Skills


Charlotte is working on her science/social studies assignment on mapping skills and point of view. She is drawing the front of her house.

Liza used her technology skills to draw a blue print of her room.

The back of Evy's house - another point of view

Jackson C-W's house - bird's eye view