Here is Peter, Paul, and Mary singing "Inside".

Students had to write their own "inside" of this story! Afterall, the inside is the heart of the matter!

Jenny went over to look at the magician’s magic tricks. That’s when she found out her mom was gone! Jenny didn’t know that her mom went shopping for shoes, and then a police came over and said that he was in a hurry to catch a robber at the store stealing people’s shoes! Then Jenny went to the shoe store and peeked in. Jenny saw her mom and lots of people without shoes on. That’s when the police went in and was about to cuff him when Jenny jumped in and tackled the robber and started to punch him. The cop was amazed that a six year old could punch a robber. That’s when the cop went in and cuffed the robber and gave the shoes all back to the belongers. That’s when Jenny couldn’t find her mom because the crowds of people srode out of the shoe store. So, Jenny also went out and the cop gave Jenny a juice bottle and thanked her a lot. Then, the cop took the robber to jail. That’s when Jenny found her mom putting her shoes back on! 1.6.2021
ColinJenny went to the nearest police office in the mall and said to the officer named officer banks and said “sir I lost my mom can you help me”. Just as the officer was about to answer when the phone rang and the officer picked up the phone and the officer on the other line said “there has been a robbery at the shoe store come here a quick as posible”. Then officer banks said to jenny “I have to go catch a robber” as soon as he finished talking jenny said “I’ll come with you” before the officer could say another word he saw the robber and then said “alright just be careful” then the two of them ran after the robber jenny was faster the the officer so she ran up and grabbed the robber and officer banks cot up and handcuffed the robber. The two went back to the police office and officer banks gave Jenny a juice box. 1.6.2021

KysonJenny was scared and started crying but she knew that she had to find her mother. So she went looking for her mother at the closest store which happened to be a shoe store. She walked in and started to look. Suddenly at the corner of her eye Jenny saw a man dressed in a black coat grabbing some fancy shoes and out the door. She quickly grabbed her phone and dialed 911 and went over to a shop that sold yarn and other strings. Jenny tied the strings between two poles as the robber turned the corner and slipped and slid to the cops feet. Then he was handcuffed and sent to jail. Jenny went with the cop to his office. 1.7.2021

Lulie MaeBig, fat tears started streaming down Jenny's face. She went into the store where the magician was. She was going to ask him for help, but she tripped over her long dress and flew behind a shoe shelf. She stood up dazed and confused. She heard whispering so she peeked from behind the shelf. The magician had a baseball bat and was threatening the shoe store owner that he would bang his lights out. Jenny ran toward the door, but then the shoe keeper said "Run little girl, go far away and I shall be left here sorrowly." Jenny rolled her eyes at his drama. But the magician was running toward her, with the baseball bat!
Jenny ran and ran and ran toward the police office. But tripped on her dress! When she fell she thought all was lost, but then she bounced off the floor! Her dress spun around making a strong gust of wind. The magician was still running toward her when she drew her fist back. Her mother had told her never to punch people but Jenny knew she had to punch this guy. The magician came closer, and then she punched with such force it knocked the magician over. Then she jumped on him and pretended he was a broken trampoline. "Stop!" The magician gasped. " Why?" She asked in a taunting voice. " Are you my mom?" "yes" Said the magician hoping this would work. "ok." She said "Help! Stranger Danger! He's kidnapping me!!!" The Police came out immediately. They handcuffed the robber, and took Jenny into his office. 1.7.2021

"Captain" JacksonAt once Jenny began searching the mall for her mother, nothing. As she sat down by the shoe store she saw one person leave the store with a pair of shoes that hadn’t been paid for! Luckily a policeman was walking by, he didn’t notice the burglar. When Jenny told him about the thievery he immediately ran after him. The burglar was caught and Jenny walked with the officer to the police station. 1.7.2021

MateoJenny was looking everywhere but her mom was nowhere to be found soon Jenny saw a police when she almost began to cry so jenny went to tell the police that she was lost but Jenny notice that the police was look for a robber so she helped catch the robber so jenny jump scared the robber and right into the the police’s hands and got hand cupped. Then Jenny went to the office. She was tired because of thinking so much that she almost fell asleep.1.7.2021

DeklanJenny went to a police that was standing nearby. She said she was lost and the officer said that there was a robber robbing the shoe store. Jenny said that if she could help them find the robber if they could help her find her mom, and the officer said yes. They went to the shoe store and found Jenny’s mom frightened and that the robber had trapped Jenny’s mom behind a wall of shoe boxes. The robber didn’t know that Jenny and the officer were there, and Jenny pounced the robber like a cat, and the officer handcuffed him.1.7.2021

CharlotteJust then a police officer walked over. He sall Jenny all alone and quickly ran to come get her. He told Jenny that there was a robbery in the shoe store and that he had to go catch the robber. Jenna wanted to come and help. The police officer was not down with this but he was in such a hurry he said “shure come on'' When they got to the robbery Jenny tackled the robber as the police officer handcuffed him. After that Jenny and the police officer went to the police officer’s office. The police officer gave Jenny some juice to thank her for helping him catch the robber. 1.7.2021