Paige has greeted us everyday with her morning song.

We love our dry erase boards. They have been our best friends all year!


24-28 May, 2021


Here is a resource to help you/your child master using Google Classroom. This is where students will upload much of their work this year.

Related Arts Schedule

Mondays 12:20 - 1:10 - Art - Ms. Harrington

Tuesdays 12:20 - 1:10 PE - Mosley

Wednesdays 12:20 - 1:10 - Music - Ledford

Thursdays 12:20 - 1:10 - Keyboarding - Petersen

Fridays 12:20 - 1:10 (every other week ) - Guidance - Benvenuto/Media Center - Matthews


We will be testing Chapter Nine in our Big Ideas Math book. This chapter covers the multiplication of fractions.

Expectations for Dreambox Math:

Students are expected to do at least 75 minutes of Dreambox each week. They are given class time between 7:45-8:00 each morning to meet that 15 minute per day requirement. Students are reminded of this every day. If there is a connectivity issue, students may have to make that time up on their own. Students will be graded as follows:

75 minutes or more= 100

60-74 minutes = 90

50 - 59 minutes = 80

40 - 49 minutes = 70

30 - 39 minutes = 60

20 - 29 minutes = 50

10 - 19 minutes = 40

0 - 9 minutes = 30

I will continue to collect the Dreambox weekly data, but for the second semester I will combine this data into one major grade rather than weekly minor grades. More minor grades will come from Big Ideas Math content and state standards for math.

Expectations for Reflex Math:

This math program's goal is to increase fluency with addition/subtraction, and multiplication/division. Your child is expected to log in 50 minutes a week. I will provide that time just prior to our science/social studies lessons in the afternoons.

Spelling List May 24-28

The definitions are in Learning A-Z (Spelling City has morphed into this new program.)

1 aren't contr.

2 couldn't contr.

3 doesn't contr.

4 hadn't contr.

5 hasn't contr.

6 haven't contr.

7 I'd contr.

8 isn't contr.

9 shouldn't contr.

10 they're contr.

11 wasn't contr.

12 you're contr.


I will grade students on their spelling and vocabulary tests on Learning A-Z. Students are provided ten minutes each day to work on these assignments.

We are reading another Kate DiCamillo book, The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane. We are reading it while also listening to Jeanette Hearn read it aloud. She read our first novel of the year to us (Tiger Rising) and it seems appropriate to bookend our year with her.

We will be responding to this text.

Science/Social Studies Integration

In science/ social studies, students will be using this time to complete a project-based learning unit called "Emmel's Zoo." We will integrate our studies of maps and place (social studies) with our science studies of ecosystems.