Flying Away on my Wings of Words

while I write I fly in my brain

I fly and fly without any restrain

the more I write the stronger my wings get

the farther I fly with Ms. Mariette

Mary and I soar through my head

oh our adventures never end

birds of words fly with us together

I guess you could say that we’re birds of a feather

all that we do we do together

usually to play with Peanut Butter

sometimes I fall but she picks me up

and when she falls I help her up

Mari and I are friends, that is true

I have someone to help me do you?

your welcome to join us we’d love to meet you

and if you can join us please come meet us soon

Jenalys 2.12.2021

Strawberries are red.

George Washington is dead.

Blueberries are blue.

It is very true.

George Washington died.

With his shoe untied.

And when he got to heaven,

He turned eleven.

While he was in heaven he had a pink cat.

A pink cat with a hat.

But the cat was very grumpy.

And stepped on bumps that were bumpy.

So he always kept his cat inside.

And kept her to hide.

Her birthday was soon.

She wanted a party on the moon.

So George Washington threw her a party.

Because she was such a smarty.

And when she saw it she said

“I do not like it you redhead”

George Washington sent his cat away.

And he never saw her again till he said gray.

So she came back.

And said sorry with a present of a sack.

He loved his cat dearly.

But she always felt dreary.

And when she was five,

She ate a bee hive.

So she played her guitar.

Then drove away in her car.

George Washington was so sad.

And wanted her back.

So he finally said,

“I will never hurt her head!”

And then she came back.

But he thought she looked black.

Then he saw her wipe off all the mud.

-Callie 2.26.2021

"Fraction"Jackson R. 5.9.2021

Why I Really, Really

Want a Dog

If you really want to convince your parents to get a dog, read them this! It can even convince your parents to get two dogs, or maybe even three!

The first reason I want a dog is because they are playful and have tons of energy to play! If you are worried about dogs having too much energy, you can teach them to lay. That brings you to the second reason. There are so many different commands you can teach your dog! Some of the basics are sit, lay and roll over. Some more complicated commands are teaching your dog to give you a high five or teaching your dog to jump through a hoop. The third reason is that most dogs are easy to train, so you wouldn’t have to spend too much time training them. The fourth reason is that dogs are cuddly. They can curl up next to you while you are sleeping and sleep with you. The fifth reason is that dogs know when there are intruders. They may seem cuddly to you, but if a burglar comes into your house the dog will bark and, well, be a mean dog.

-Charley April, 2021

Arsenal needed

Radiant colors

Trivial thoughts

Simple strokes

Animals and more

Nine thousand +

Divine creations

Cultural sculpture

Radical shading

Amazing pictures

Famous artists

Titanical mosaics

Stationary pieces

-"Captain” Jackson C-W


J. Robinson 5.13.2021