Finding Yourself

Remember: You are always changing. 

Finding out more about 'You'

Be Brave! 🦁

Sometimes to learn more about ourselves, we need to 'lean in' to discomfort. 

Trying new hobbies, going to school clubs/events, trying out for the musical or for a sports team, are all great ways to learn more about what you enjoy and who you are, even if it can be intimidating to take that chance! 

A Ms. Cole Story: When I was in middle school, I was REALLY scared to try out for the school choir. I was worried about not being good enough, about singing in front of other people, but I knew I enjoyed singing. I spent a whole week worrying about whether or not to try out before, on the very last day they were letting people audition, a classmate encouraged me to try out and see what happened. I was scared, but I did it because of their kind words. 

After auditioning, I even cried from it being scary for me-- BUT I made it in! And, once I was in choir, it got easier to start taking those chances. I made a lot of amazing friends, and I had so much fun I wouldn't have had if I hadn't taken that brave step. It helped me grow and learn to be braver and more confident in myself. :)  

🦅 Hawk's Nest Tip🦅

Part of why it can be scary to try new things is because we worry about how we look to others or about not being the absolute best at something right away. 

You're not alone in that. 

Help yourself and your hawk community be brave anyway.

Empower those around you by...

Remember that other people are trying new things too!! 

Pay Attention! 👀

Pay attention to what is important to you and what makes you feel proud to be you!

Who you are often gets shown in...

Think about your CHARACTER (how you act and how you treat people).

If someone is kind and considerate to others, those actions show a lot more about them than their favorite color does. 

Just for Fun Things

More Identity Exploration