⬆️ How to help a grieving friend ⬆️

What are Grief and Loss?

Grief is a normal experience that is your body’s way of dealing with loss in your life.  When loss is caused by death, grief is expected and accepted.  Other losses in life can also cause a profound grieving process that sometimes is less easily understood.

Losing possessions in a fire or by theft, losing a dear precious pet, the end of a relationship, moving, divorce-all of these things can trigger a painful and difficult response.

Grief is normal and yet unique to each person.  While each of us grieves in our own way, there are certain reactions and feelings that often occur.  Being aware of them may help in the difficult process of recovery from loss.




You may be confused or worried by some of the physical and mental reactions you experience.  Although these reactions can be distressing and cause you discomfort, they are part of a normal stress reaction to a traumatic event.

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