Studying (v.) - Spending time & attention practicing the information you're learning in a way that actually helps it stay in your brain. 🧠

Did you know? Just re-reading information often isn't a very helpful way to study. It actually can have you spending longer with material and still having less of it stay in your brain!

 SO, here are some ways to make sure you're studying smarter, not harder. :)

1) Practice teaching it to someone else

2) Create your own study-guide/quiz
This will help you focus more intensely on what could be on the test and have you practice the information in a way where you need to re-process it

3) Make it relevant to your life
connect concepts to your own experiences

4) Create concept maps/diagrams to help you explain bigger topics and give you a visual understanding of how things work

5) Develop symbols/acronyms/stories that represent concepts (ex: The Hippocampus is the part of the brain that does memory because if I saw a Hippo walking around campus, I'd remember it!)

6) Take time to look at the steps that go into finding a solution and why you do them

7) Rewrite it & Add doodles that will help you picture and remember the information later

8) Color code your notes (so they color code in your brain)
Highlight in different colors the main topics, vocab words, and the things you know will be on the test!

9) Know what works for you
Are you someone who needs background noise? What time of day does your brain usually work the best?

10) Set goals and timers for yourself
ex: 45 minutes of studying, self-quiz, 5-minute break, repeat until you feel confident you know it

11) Don't study all at once right before your test!
Spacing out your studying helps your brain remember long-term, instead of just when you're practicing it 

A few helpful study apps... 

Toucan- Chrome Extension

Toucan is a Google Chrome Extension that translates your internet browsing into other languages (with easy translations available) to help you learn languages in a more immersive way. 

Don't see an app that does what you're wanting? We know MANY more, so reach out to us and we can help find what you need!