Getting Motivated & Handling Stress

Organization Station

Not every organization system works for every person; here are a few of different ways to organize what you need to do (and allow you to remind yourself instead of your parents reminding you)

On Paper

brain hack:
writing fun things in your planner too, like friend hangouts and birthday parties, helps to make sure that you're checking it more often and that you don't have as much stress about opening it

brain hack:
for BIG projects that require lots of little steps, make a mini to-do list that includes the steps and things that need to get done that go into the bigger project being done. That way it will be easier to know where to start, to plan out when things need to be done, and how to focus your energy (one at a time)

Tech Organizing

Understanding the Breakdown

Sometimes it can feel hard to care about assignments because, as much as we know they make up our grades, it can be hard to visualize how they do. 

For those of you who like video games, try thinking about the points you earn in your class as your health points. If you miss an assignment, you lose points. By making up the assignment, you can heal back some of your points!

It can also be hard, when you're told you have a certain percentage in a class (ex: 75%), to know what that means in terms of what grade you're currently getting. SO here is a handy dandy chart that says what percentages fall under what letter grades!  

The Usual Grading Scale

A                            90-100%

B                            80-89%

C                            70-79%

D                            60-69%

F                             0-59%

Pay Attention to Your Grades
This one seems like an 'of course,' but for many of us, it's not our first impulse to check and look at how much our grades go up and down every week. By practicing checking how we are doing in our classes often (like once a week), it helps our awareness of seeing how our hard work can impact our grades and can help us know if what we're currently doing is working or not.  

Knowing when things are happening and setting MicroGoals

When you have a certain date in your brain that things need to get done by, you are more likely to getting around to doing them, especially if you're someone who relies on that last-minute procrastination panic to get things done. Being aware of timelines can be a great motivator. 

Unfortunately, leaving EVERYTHING up to that last-minute panic can make us shut down or make it so that the work we do isn't very good (just very fast. That's where setting mini-deadlines aka Micro Goals for yourself can be helpful.