
Here's what you'll find in this section of The Scroll.

What can i find in the "infographics" section of the scroll?

What are Infographics? 

Infographics are meant to present information to readers in a fast fashion. They can be based on a variety of different subjects. Commonly, they include charts, numbers, percentages and images to educate. Pieces like this are fact based meant to either persuade or inform readers on a topic. 

Why are Infographics important? 

Infographics are a fast way to get a small amount of information across to readers. Important information is presented with little fluff facts. They help viewer get fast facts and digest them without a lot of reading. These can be biased and leave out certain details. Further research after the Infographics is needed for a broad understanding of the topic. 

What are some real life examples?

You can make your own Infographics on, some classes will even use it. An example of a News source that uses Infographics is Occasionally, NBCnews will use Infographics as well.