Skyline Counseling Center
Eagles R.I.S.E. - Resilience, Integrity, Support, Excellence

Mission Statement

The Skyline High School Counseling program is to provide a comprehensive, developmental counseling program that addresses the academic, personal/social, and career development of all students and ensures that they are self-directed, life-long learners who are college and career ready.

Meet our Staff

Call 385-646-5421 to schedule an appointment 

News & Information

Summer Class Options

Are you hoping to get ahead or caught up on graduation requirements this summer?  Take a look at the many options below to earn new credit, make up credit, or get a jump start on college credits during the summer break.

High School Credit

College Credit

Scholarship Reporting

Seniors, report your scholarships HERE.  We want to recognize all your hard work, effort, and scholarship awards at graduation.

FAFSA Application

The application for the 2024-2025 FAFSA is now open!  You can begin your application HERE.  An application walk-through video is available on YouTube.  If you need additional help or support, you can call Federal Student Aid at 1-800-433-3243. 

Counseling Center Happenings

Upcoming Events

Currently Happening at Skyline 


Upcoming College Deadlines

Other Happenings

Need Help?

If you need to speak to a mental health expert for yourself or a friend, please use the SafeUT app, or call the Huntsman Mental Institute Warmline (801-857-1055) or the Stabilization & Mobile Response Team (1-833-SAFE-FAM).  Through the SafeUT app, you have free 24/7 access to licensed counselors who provide crisis intervention and emotional support.

Skyline Counseling Center Calendar