Supporting Student


The importance of building relationships and community continues to be our number one priority for the start of each semester. However, this essential work doesn't stop after Day 1 or Week 1 - it is ongoing and ever-present, interwoven throughout every lesson in every course. Knowing our students provides the foundation of instruction: without the first, we cannot hope for success in the second.

Visit our Promoting Positive Behaviour ToolKit by clicking here.

Quick Strategy Guide Mental Health and Well-Being (In-Person).pdf

Building School & Classroom Community: A Trauma-Sensitive Approach

by TVDSB Safe Schools and Well-being

This document, originally designed to support educators and students coming back to school in September, should be used throughout each quadmester to build safety, connection, regulation and learning in the classroom. This Quick Reference Guide focuses on Strategies to Support Students, and acts as a helpful tip sheet for educators.

To learn more about building community in your classroom, click here: Rebuilding School and Classroom Community: A Trauma-Sensitive Approach

And for virtual classroom community building, click here: Building Virtual Classroom Community: A Trauma-Sensitive Approach

by School Mental Health Ontario

by School Mental Health Ontario