Agenda Templates

Jan 2022

Learning during this period will involve a combination of synchronous and asynchronous learning opportunities for all students. Synchronous learning refers to real-time teaching when the students and teacher are connected live, while asynchronous education involves online posting or distribution of resources that can be completed by students independently.

Research indicates that a sense of belonging and social connectedness improves physical, mental, and emotional well-being. In fact, connectedness is a proven protective factor for you and your students.

Please also use the Mentally Healthy Return to School for Students resource to reconnect with your students, and reinforce the Essential Conditions for Learning including relationships, safety, connectedness and regulation as we transition back to learning in a trauma-sensitive manner.

· Please visit the SSWB SharePoint for resources at

Reporting Schedules for 2020-21

The current four reporting periods identified in Growing Success continue to apply. Each reporting period will include final marks, comments and learning skills/work habits ratings for courses that students have completed during that period of time.

Recognizing the importance of ensuring that students and families have current information about a student’s progress, at the midterm point for each quadmester, teachers will share a “mark-to-date” report for each student. This upload to Trillium will require each teacher to copy and paste a “.” as a comment for each student. The learning skills/work habits will automatically default to “G”, but will not be visible to students/families. Communication with students and their families who are not meeting the minimum requirements for a course and/or may be at risk of not earning the credit should be

ongoing. For half courses, it is recommended that teachers note a comment and the learning skills for each student to facilitate the final report card process.

The work of period 1 will be concentrated into Week 1s for both teachers and students, similarly, the work of period 2 will be concentrated into Week 2s for both teachers and students.

Example Schedule: Syncing In-Class & @Home Learning

This model may be needed in the first few weeks (or at the start of a new unit) as teachers and students build knowledge of course material. Once a foundation has been set, students at home may better be able to work on independent practice and spiralled content.

240min Example Schedule

Synced-Sequential Model and Flipped Model

A synced-sequential model, students progress through learning activities in the same order, whether at home or at school. In the template, days have been divided into learning “blocks”. In some courses, this may be a continuation of learning from the previous block. The blocks are used to show how content for students at home and at school can be synchronized in the same sequence.

In a flipped-cohort design, students participate in the same learning opportunities as one another while at school, and they both participate in the same learning activities when at home.

Example Week-at-a-glance for a synced and sequential model: All students progress with same material regardless of location.

You can make a copy of this template: Synced-Sequential Slides

Synced-Sequential Doc

Template Agenda Synced Sequential

Example Week-at-a-glance for a flipped model: Both cohort A & B complete certain activities at school, and other activities at home.

You can make a copy of this template: Flipped-Cohort Slides

Template Agenda Flipped

Sample Agenda Synced-Sequential

(Cohort A & B participating in the same learning activities on the same day)

Sample Agenda Flipped-Cohort

(Cohort A & B participating in alternate activities whether at school/home)