
a Mark

“Teachers will weigh all evidence of student achievement in light of these considerations and will use their professional judgement to determine the student’s report card grade. The report card grade represents a student’s achievement of overall curriculum expectations, as demonstrated to that point in time” (Growing Success, 2010, p. 5).

“In all subjects and courses, students should be given numerous and varied opportunities to demonstrate the full extent of their achievement of the curriculum expectations.” (Growing Success, p. 17)

Determining a Mark

Teachers should take into consideration all evidence of learning (observation, conversations and products) which are multiple and varied opportunities to demonstrate mastery of the Overall Expectations when determining a final mark.

Guidance from the Ministry of Education related to Assessment, Evaluation and Reporting:

Multiple and varied ways for a student to demonstrate their understanding or mastery of the Overall Curricular Expectations after receiving timely teacher feedback is an expectation of Growing Success and may include:

· Conferencing with students to check for understanding;

· Allowing students multiple opportunities to demonstrate skill and understanding, by repeating all or part of same assessment or demonstrating mastery in alternate and creative ways;

· Offering alternate assignments or segments of assignments for students to complete; and

· Using ongoing formative assessment to inform summative grades.

Reporting Schedules for 2020-21

The current four reporting periods identified in Growing Success continue to apply. Each reporting period will include final marks, comments and learning skills/work habits ratings for courses that students have completed during that period of time.

Recognizing the importance of ensuring that students and families have current information about a student’s progress, at the midterm point for each quadmester, teachers will share a “mark-to-date” report for each student. This upload to Trillium will require each teacher to copy and paste a “.” as a comment for each student. The learning skills/work habits will automatically default to “G”, but will not be visible to students/families. Communication with students and their families who are not meeting the minimum requirements for a course and/or may be at risk of not earning the credit should be

ongoing. For half courses, it is recommended that teachers note a comment and the learning skills for each student to facilitate the final report card process.

Students may ask "Does this count?"

Response Might Be:

"I am constantly observing and assessing your progress, work, and interactions to gather information to consider when determining a mark."