Overall Expectations

Use the Overall Curriculum Expectations as a way to divide up teaching and evaluation. ​

Expectation Based Assessment

Expectation Based Assessment provides teachers the ability to pinpoint the topics/skills (by OE) that a student is strong in or in which they need to improve. ​

Have students track their progress so that they always know what areas they need to work on. (Learning Goals/Success Criteria)​

Tracking and Recording

  • Use the overall expectations in curriculum documents as a way to divide up teaching and evaluation. ​

  • Evaluate a student on whether or not they are proficient at a certain overall curriculum expectation. ​

  • Evaluate their proficiency using levels (R, 1, 2, 3, 4).​

KICA (Knowledge, Inquiry, Communication, Application)

KICA is embedded within evaluations, yet there is no requirement to track student achievement by KICA.

Tools for Tracking by Expectation

Tools for Tracking by Expectation