Adaptive Learning

Balancing @home content with in-class learning

The Adaptive Model is an exciting opportunity to further develop practice, and it is essential that we consider how to do so intentionally.

A Blended Approach Needs a New Perspective.

Creating a blended course should be viewed as a complete redesign where the time and place of each component is carefully selected.

Students must acquire the necessary tools, skills, and knowledge from their in-class time together, to apply, practice, and learn new material at home confidently. New content must be reviewed during the in-person class time to support students as needed. Teachers will NEED to initiate regular check-ins with their students during face-to-face time.

Align in-class and at home organizational goals by connecting learning to reinforce and augment one another.

Apply Resources for Distance Learning May 2020
Compass, Arrow, Best Practice, Business,

Best Practices

Consider the following in the development of your adaptive approach:

  • Focus on Overall Expectations and/or Big Ideas from your curriculum to determine important concepts for instruction.

  • Ensure balance between the in-person experience and @home learning activities.

  • Keep the @home learning approaches organized and simplistic at the onset.

  • Communication with students will be your most valuable tool.

  • Collaborate with SST and LST teachers to ensure support for students in each cohort.

TVDSB Digital Learning Expectations for Secondary Teachers

  • Teachers will introduce the digital tools early in the school year to familiarize students with the process of locating lessons and resources in the digital classroom.

  • Teachers will provide a weekly agenda (e.g., Sample Agendas).

  • Online learning requires frequent live interactions, and check-ins (e.g. Google Meet or Brightspace Virtual Classroom/Teams Integration).

  • Parents/guardians and school administrators will also have access to aspects of the digital classroom to support student learning.

  • Educators, such as the LST, ESL/ELD, ECE, EAs and Teacher-Librarians can support students with materials posted in the students' digital classroom.

  • Student safety is paramount. Educators will only use TVDSB approved apps and platforms. Click here to access a list of approved software.

  • Resources to support educators with both platforms are located on Sharepoint at Digital Resources.

  • Secondary teachers will choose between either Brightspace or Google Classroom as their online classroom space.

Ministry of Education Memorandum

The Ministry of Education Memorandum provides direction to school boards on remote learning requirements, including implementation and reporting.

Building Relationships

Blended learning classrooms will be used as vehicles for intentional integration of lessons, collaboration, asynchronous, and synchronous learning in order to provide high quality instruction and learning experiences for students.

A digital classroom allows educators to provide personalized learning experiences. Supporting students and families with digital learning provides us with an opportunity to uphold our strategic priorities; namely, fostering a culture of high learning expectations, maintaining positive classroom climates, championing equity and inclusion, and providing students with engaging learning experiences.