STUDIO 178 - FIlm & VIdeo
Communications Technology

The Pitch: The Art of Storytelling
Practice the art of storytelling by creating your own pitch.

Pre Production
Pick a movie or TV show (Film). Analyze @1 minute of a scene by reverse engineering the script and drawing the storyboard that could be have been used to shoot it. Use proper script format and descriptive information in your storyboard (shot angles, moves, Off camera sounds etc). Record the time of each shot (down to the second). Your scene must be available on Youtube.

Intro to Editing
Grade 11: Complete 2 Editing Projects
Goal: Set-up, Import, Edit & Render. Basic titles and transitions.

Grade 12: Complete 2 Editing Projects
Goal: Set-up, Import, Edit & Render. Titles and transitions. Refresh your memory and try some new tools
PART 2: Technical Projects & Technical Practice
A stylistic way to show someone's personality is through capturing video portraits. Use proper medium to close-up shot camera framing, along with alternating left and right rule of thirds composition. Review these techniques from the files on the right. In this project, you will learn about planning and utilizing a certain type of shot. You will be using the on-board camera of a mobile device.(Make sure to shoot with your device in the horizontal NOT vertical position!)
You need 7-9 people in your video. You must storyboard your shots before shooting to make sure the people alternate who is on left and who is on right each time when you edit. Record 30 seconds of each person even tho you may only end up using 10-15 seconds of the shot in post. Using the on-board camera of a mobile device, record each person for the video (be creative with the background areas), import the files to your computer, edit together in Adobe Premiere, add a school appropriate music track that fits your target audience (audio should fade in/out) add titles to balance the spacing. Titles must include name (larger font), hobbies and hometown (smaller font) for each person. Must have an ending title with your personal information. The final edited video should be around two minutes.

The Bumper is a short (10 second) Station Identification that we use on SaintsTV. Different bumpers are played each week.
The purpose of the bumper is to A) Identify SaintsTV and B) to highlight as person, club, course or activity at SDCI.

This video project will be done individually or in small groups of 2. Additional tech and actors will be assigned as needed.
Important questions:
Why make a PSA? What is the purpose of your PSA?
Style. What style of PSA will you use to effectively get your message across. How will your Style work with / against your purpose?
What is the Demographic or Target audience of your Production? How will the Demographic affect the style and purpose?

For this project, you and a partner will storyboard, film, edit and export a short sequence (below). It is a simple story of a student who is late for class, and their adventures getting there. This project may not contain any dialogue, but sounds and music are permitted.

I Took Tech
A short 2 Shot Advertisement
Specific Camera Shots
Working with Live Audio & Mics

This project will be completed individually.
Using the footage available and or by filming your own, create an O Canada that we can play on the morning announcements. I will supply you with a version of O Canada (I have many to choose from) as well as LOTS of footage of the Canadian landscape.
Alternatively you can use your own.