The Graphic Design Process

A graphic artist follows a series of steps before they begin the actual design work. This series of steps is a way to ensure that you are delivering exactly what the client needs. A design for a client has to fit a specific set of requirements, so it's only natural that the process to figure out what client needs to produce an effective output is based on a logical flow.

Before you begin…..Understand the Client and the Problem

What does the Client want?  Sometimes a client will have a clear idea of what they want for an advertisement, website or business card, other times they may simply be looking for something to promote their business and they are hoping that the artist will miraculously give them something that they’ll love.  Often, it is a little of both.

Before you begin designing, you must understand the client and the problem - Graphic Design communicates, it solves a problem or if fulfills a need.  

Research is done by examining the problem, the business, the product and the environment. Understanding the demographics, the limitations and the possibilities of a design.  

Follow the Planning Guidelines.

Before you sit down at a computer, you will need a to formulate your designs - Many designs!  Experiment with Variations in size, colour and space.  Look at different Fonts and line weights.  Concept drawings and mock-ups can and should range from early rough sketches to nearly completed and wholly rendered ideas.  Some ideas will move forwards and some will remain on the drawing board.  

Follow the Concept Guidelines


     Whether you are working with pencils or with pixels, eventually you will need to narrow down your ideas and decide on a concept.  Render this concept AS IF it was your final project.  After Step 4 you may need to reconsider some things, but this is where your planning takes its (nearly) final form.  This form will be determined by the project outline (printed or digital, colour or BW, etc.)

     Though you might think that your project is done, it’s only just begun! How is it received by your client? By your peers, by yourself? How can it be improved? What else can you offer? Follow the Presentation Guidelines to receive feedback on your work.  Revisit step 3 and prepare to go public

     Submit your work as determined in the outline.  Your work will be on display in some form (Digital, Printed etc.).  Now that the project is completed, it’s time to reflect on your Design - Did it solve the problem? Follow the Product Launch Guidelines and 

ACTIVITY 1 - 6 drawings

Drawing of 6 objects, 2 man-made, organic, 2 logos.

On a single piece of paper you will draw two images side by side. Put your name on the back of each piece of paper. 

Please draw the following :  




perspective drawing

1 Point Perspective

Before attempting the 1 PT Perspective Assignment Below, watch this video tutorial and try it out. 

If you have a ruler, use the ruler to get a nice clean line.

For your assignment, you MUST use a ruler.

Once you have completed this drawing, feel free to start your assignment 1 point perspective drawing below. 

activity 2 - 1 Point perSpective

Draw a 1 Point Perspective view of the following image.

NOTE: Make sure you have the right amount of windows in your design. These are technical drawings and should have accurate information. Try to make the bus as accurate as possible.

Do not worry about counting the cobblestones in the road and fence bars. 

Make sure your Vanishing Point is clearly visible.

HAND IN: Marks for completion.

ACTIVITY 3 - Crafting Your name 


The horizon will be roughly on the middle of the paper put in landscape orientation. The vanishing points will be at the edges of the paper on the horizon line.


GRAPHIC DESIGN - Print and Graphic Communication