Vector (Illustrator) vs Raster (Photoshop) Images
Raster (Bitmap)
• Made of pixels
• Represents and edits photo and photo-like elements better than vector programs with the use of continuous tones. The use of different color pixels allows for smooth blends of colors.
• Is bound by the number of pixels in the image.
It cannot be scaled up without losing quality.
•Large dimensions & detailed images equal large file size.
• Some service providers like engravers, stencil-cut signs, etc, must have vector art.
• It is more difficult to print raster images using a limited amount of spot colors.
• Depending on the complexity of the image, conversion to vector may be time consuming.
• Made of mathematical calculations that form objects and lines.
• Can be scaled to any size without losing quality.
• Resolution-independent: Can be printed at any size/resolution.
• Number of colors can be easily increased or reduced to adjust printing budget.
• A large dimension vector graphic can maintain a small file size.
• Vector art is required by many service providers.
• Can be easily converted to raster
• It is not the best format for photographs or photo-like elements with blends of color.
Naming of each layer of Veggie Head
Cropping the final image
Saving as a .PSD (Photoshop File)
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Veggie Head
We will learn how to select areas of an image using various selection tools. Using these tools we will use Photoshop layers and build face or character out of veggies and fruits.

ACTIVITY #2 - COLOURING PAGE Selection tools & colouring
Using various colouring tools like brushes, gradients and fills we will colour these images. Remember to use new layers for easy colouring selection.
Foreground / Background
Brush & Pencil
Paint Bucket Fill
Gradient Fill

ACTIVITY #3 - Mixing IMages
1. Using various selection, stamp, and tools remove the beta fish from the fishbowl.
2. Fix the broken glass.
3. Add in two new goldfish and make it look realistic by blending the colours.
4. Finally crop out any white and useless background things.
*Remember to name your layers and save as a .PSD file.
- Brighten the levels of the glass bowl, crop out any unneeded background.
- Using fill & selection tools remove the existing fish from the fishbowl.
- Remove the cracks in the fish bowl using stamp tools.
- Add one or more goldfish to the fish bowl and place them realistically behind the seaweed using layers.
- Add other elements like transparent bubbles or extra seaweed to enhance the realism of the image if you would like.

ACTIVITY #4a - create a tattoo composite
PRACTICE FIRST using the attached files here >>
Follow along with the steps below and place some ink on her shoulder!

Step 1: Prep your image
Start by opening the model photo in Photoshop and move the tattoo art wherever you’d like. In the Layers panel, Larson set the Blend Mode of the tattoo layer to Multiply and reduced the opacity to meld the tattoo onto the model’s shoulder.
Step 2: Clean up
Next, Larson added a layer mask to the tattoo. With the layer mask selected, she used the Brush tool and painted with black to hide those areas of the tattoo that are off the shoulder.
Step 3: Realistic lighting
To create a realistic lighting effect on the tattoo, Larson reduced the brush opacity to 10 percent and painted with black over the part of the image she wanted to highlight.
Step 4: Wrap around
Fitting the tattoo around the model’s contours is key. First, unlink the tattoo image from its mask. Next, click on the tattoo thumbnail to edit the image independently of its mask. To finish, select Edit > Transform > Warp, and drag the grid and handles to warp the tattoo wherever you want.
Step 5: Blend in
To make the tattoo look as realistic as possible, Larson selected the tattoo layer and chose Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur. She then adjusted the radius to create a subtle blur.
New skills, new tats?
Experiment with tattoo designs like Larson’s to see how they’ll look on you or your clients—no needle required.
ACTIVITY #4b - Get ink'd
It's time to give yourself some ink "fake ink".
You need to take a picture of your body / friends body where they or you would like a tattoo. Use what you learned above. Find or create an original design you or your friend likes and then photoshop it into them.
Remember be creative and work in pairs if you like!!!
Now it's time to work with layer masking, complete this tutorial.
*You will need to download the main image of the women with her umbrella but you need to find your own starry night sky image.

ACTIVITY #6A - Double Exposure
Time for more layer masking, complete this tutorial next.
*You will need to download both the dog and tree images here.