Exploring the World's TopPhotoGraphers

We can all learn from each other and enrich our knowledge of photography.

Exploring the world's top photographers

The best way to learn how to take great photos is to study the masters. Below is a list of some photography greats. Perhaps you know of others. Divide into small groups and research your photographer of choice. 

What to include:

- Some biographical information about the photographer

- A personal reflection of what draws you to this Photographer

- A selection of the photographer's most famous works

- An analysis of the photographer's style and techniques

- Examples of their early and late work (their evolution)

- The impact the photographer has had on the photography industry if any

Ansel Adams                                               Dorothea Lange

Yousef Karsh                                           Walker Evans

Jeff Wall                                                      Henri Cartier-Bresson

Annie Leibovitz                                            Andreas Gursky

Linda McCartney                                         Chris McCaw 

David McKean                                             Cindy Sherman

Herb Ritts                                                    Didier Massard

Diane Arbus                                                 Gregory Crewdson

Richard Avedon                                           Hendrik Kerstens

Man Ray                                                      Hiroshi Sugimoto                               

David Hockney                                            Michael Wolf

Robert Mapplethorpe                                 Nan Goldin

Michael W.R. Runtz                                     Shirin Neshat

Julia Margaret Cameron                             Ryan McGinley