Breakfast Club
Open from 8 am until 9 am each school day.
Entrance to the school is through the Mansfield Road gate.
It is run by Tracy Storey and Dawn O’Driscoll, who are qualified experienced members of the E.P.S Team.
There is a nominal charge of £2 for the breakfast, which must be paid for each day attended. This is payable through the Parent Pay website. If you need help registering with Parent Pay please speak to the school office.
The Club will offer breakfast to our children and also be useful to parents who wish to leave their children early so that they can go to work.
If there are too many children wishing to attend, your child’s name will be put on our waiting list.
Children will stay in the Breakfast Club until 9am
This is an extra activity outside of school time and not part of the compulsory school day. The Breakfast Club does not have to take any child who does not behave or is impolite to the adults. Please make sure that your child is aware of this.
You will need to return a copy of the attached form for each child attending the Breakfast Club (extra forms available from the office at the front of school). Although the office already holds your emergency form, the club needs separate records. The form must include a telephone number where you can be reached between 8am and 9am in case we need to contact you in an emergency. If this is a mobile it must be switched on.
The school must have a completed and signed form before your child can start.
Please return your completed form to the school office before you send your child to Breakfast Club.
Afterschool Club
For enquiries about ASC please email Nancy Storey :
Tel: 0207 485 7435
Ofsted Registration No: 100025
We want to ensure that the children of our school are provided with supervised play activities in a safe and stimulating environment. We are committed to providing excellent after school activities.
Children under the age of eight will be collected from their class at 3.30pm.
Children must be signed out by an adult at the end of the session.
Activities include arts and crafts, board and construction games, sports and team games, drama, storytelling and cooking. Children are provided with a healthy snack and a drink.
The fees are £12 per session (2.5 hours). Fees are payable through the Parent Pay website. Please speak to the school office if you need help registering. £10 per session on a Friday (open until 5pm)
Opening Hours
From 3.30pm till 6pm Monday-Thursday, 3:30-5pm Friday (you will be notified in the event of there being a training day).
All Other Clubs
At Gospel Oak we have a wide range of activities that take place outside of the school day. This includes lunchtimes as well as after school. You can find out more about them here and the person running the club can be contacted for further information. All clubs are paid for through the Parent Pay website. If you need any help registering please speak to the school office.