Sport Premium
Gospel Oak Sport Premium Funding
Sept 2023-July 2024
All primary schools across the country have been provided with extra funding from the Department for Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport. The purpose of the funding is to achieve clear outcomes in raising achievement and increasing opportunities for all primary aged children in PE.
For the academic year 2023-2024 we received: £19,500
This funding was only spent on PE and sports related provision in the school and the school will be held to account for its use.
At Gospel Oak School we recognise the importance that PE and sports play in the lives of children in promoting healthy lifestyles and developing them physically, emotionally and mentally. We believe that children’s self-esteem, attitude and self-discipline are improved by being able to engage in and achieve success in sporting activities. Being an inner-city school where the majority of pupils do not have easy access to outdoor play space, we understand the importance of our pupils being able to participate in regular physical activity and sport.
We are committed to ensuring that all pupils receive at least 2 hours of well planned, high quality PE per week - one lesson of which is provided by a highly experienced secondary trained PE teacher. Our Primary School Sport’s Funding will contribute to helping us achieve our aims of improving and extending our provision through having specialist PE staff, procuring additional sports professionals, entering into more competitive sporting competitions, inclusive sports events and provision of training for all staff.
This linked document illustrates Gospel Oak’s very strong record in the Annual Camden Active Schools award (reflecting both excellence in sports competitions and high numbers of children participating). In normal years every child in KS2 represents the school in at least one competitive sports fixture (and additional friendly competitions). Gospel Oak was the first Camden Primary school to achieve the School Games Mark Gold Award.
Use of Funding 2023-2024
Camden Active Schools Competition and Participation Programme Membership.
Camden Schools Sports Association Membership.
PE Equipment
Specialist Dance Teacher
A dance teacher worked with 6 classes providing 5 lessons for each - culminating in a performance to parents. PE specialist and PE TA and 6 class teachers received professional development in Dance.
£ 1125
Dance Leader Lunchtimes
Over 18 weeks a specialist dance teacher ran 3 separate group playground sessions at lunchtime. This ensured every child from nursery to year 6 got a 10-15 minute dance session once a week. It was highly successful and very popular with the majority of children.
Lunchtime Play Equipment
Extra-curricular clubs and competitions
We are very fortunate to have highly qualified staff to run the vast majority of sports clubs in house - ensuring reliability, consistency and very low running costs.This year the school was only able to provide 9 (16 children >50% of each class choosing to participate)
£0 (all clubs ran at a profit)
Total Staff
Accompanying Staff on After School Sports Trips
To observe staff/child ratios an additional member of staff is required to accompany the PE on after-school sports trips.
£ included in figure above
Cover for PE lead for attending Courses and school day Sports Trips
£ included in figure above
Dynamo Club
2x 30minute dynamo clubs ran each week which were carefully targeted.
£ included in figure above
Lunchtime Sports Clubs
Nathan Pallas and Syd Gooding ran 7 half hour sports clubs in the KS2 hall each week.
£ included in figure above
Safety Check and Refurbishment of Fixed Equipment
The Annual Safety check flagged several urgent items. This included, refurbishment of 9 benches, KS1 climbing frame, KS2 Basketball Post Protectors and Early Years climbing equipment.
To improve swimming levels for pupils in Key Stage 2
We were able to provide ‘top up’ swimming lessons for y6 leavers in 2024
Meeting national curriculum requirements for swimming and water safety.
What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres? 38/57 = 66%
Lower due to swimming pool not uploading all children who passed. Higher due to several barely making the distance (not being proficient). Covid in 2020/21 disrupted lessons in year 3 for this year group.
What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort use a range of strokes effectively [for example, front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke]? 36/57 = 63%
Lower due to swimming pool not uploading data of all children who passed. Higher due to several barely making the distance (not being proficient). Covid in 2020/21 disrupted lessons in year 3 for this year group.
What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations? 34/57 = 59%
Lower due to swimming pool not uploading all children who passed. Higher due to undemanding SSR test. Covid in 2020/21 disrupted lessons in year 3 for this year group.
2018 17/60 = 28%
2019 28/60 lev2 =46%
2019 48/60 lev1=80%
2020 0/60= 0% Covid
2021 47/58 lev 1 =81%
2022 - tbc
2023 - tbc