PE Kit
PE Kit
It is essential your child has: T-shirt (short sleeved) and Trainers (not plimsolls) and Shorts (for indoor lessons and outdoor lessons on mild/hot days). Although shorts are preferable, leggings are an acceptable alternative - but your child should have something to change into afterwards (especially important on hot days for obvious reasons).
It is incredibly helpful if they wear tracksuit bottoms (or joggers) and a sweatshirt to school in case the lesson is outside (on cold days).
To save on changing time it is easiest if all children to come to school in their PE kit on both of their PE lesson days. This will also help them be more active at break and lunchtime. Please help your child be organised as it is not always possible to find kit to lend children.
When representing the school in sports competitions required kit will either be provided or specified clearly in permission letters.
Gymnastic lessons (and generally dance) are bare feet. Please provide your child with trainers with velcro fastenings if they are unable to tie laces.
If you do prefer your child to fully change after their PE lesson please ensure they have easy, simple clothes so that they can dress independently. Gospel Oak does not have facilities for same sex changing and classes generally get ready in the hall. However, in year 5 & 6 girls have the option to change in a curtained off area of the KS2 hall.
For swimming lessons your child will need: a towel and costume. For girls a one-piece swimming costume (not bikini) and for boys tight fitting trunks (not baggy shorts). Long hair should be tied back and a swimming cap is preferred. Goggles are not permitted unless your child has been evaluated as a very strong swimmer (or has a medical condition).
Physical Education is a National Curriculum subject and not an option. If your child is unable to participate in a PE lesson due to injury or illness please ensure you write a note to explain the reason to the teacher.
Jewellery is not permitted (other than simple stud earrings) for health and safety reasons.