Lesson 5

Collage Studio-Cardboard Challenge


  • explore how using different collage supplies create different types of texture and add depth to a project.
  • deepen their understanding of how artists use mixed media to create a desired effect in collage.
  • use a combination of different types of paper products to create a project that has meaning.

Cardboard Challenge

  1. Inspiration: Look at examples of Cardboard art in this slide presentation.
  2. Investigation: Brainstorm ideas for your artwork.
  3. Creation: Make your artwork.
  4. Reflection & Presentation: Submit your work with reflection in your digital portfolio.

College is a modern art-making method that involves finding, assembling and re-purposing existing images. It's fun and can be anything from light hearted to deep and meaningful. ​

A. Sketch out an idea in your sketchbook.

- Cut out or tear images you like from magazines or print images you need.

- Glue images to the paper with a glue stick.

- Try adding cut out drawing or text or even sewing with thread.

- One everything is added, cover it with a thin layer of gel medium, applied with a foam brush.

- Once your work is dry it can be drawn or painted over and more collage layers can be added.

Upload progress photos and final photo to your digital portfolio on Friday.