Sydney Academy Academic Honesty Policy in The IB and SA Pre-IB Programs

Sydney Academy 

Academic Honesty Policy In the IB and SA Pre-IB Programs

Sydney Academy students are expected to maintain high standards of academic conduct.  They are encouraged to accept personal responsibility for their education and academic performance.  It is expected that their work is original thinking and/or provides the credit to the original source.  

“Academic honesty must be seen as a set of values and skills that promote personal integrity and good practice in teaching, learning and assessment. It is influenced and shaped by a variety of factors including peer pressure, culture, parental expectations, role modeling and taught skills.” (Academic Honesty)

At Sydney Academy, guidance for academic respect and responsibility are aligned with the IB publication Academic honesty, (updated 2011). 

At Sydney Academy we encourage our students to be: 

● Inquirers – who acquire the skills necessary to conduct inquiry and research 

● Knowledgeable – who explore concepts, ideas, issues and perspectives 

● Principled – who act with integrity and honesty; and take responsibility for their own actions 

● Open-minded – who are accustomed to seeking and evaluating a range of points of view 

● Risk takers – who are articulate in defending their beliefs. (IB Learner Profile)

These Learner Profile attributes used in education, will establish skills and behaviour that support academic honesty in a positive and practical way across our school and also respect academic integrity. It is our responsibility to develop ethical individuals and provide an environment that supports ethical and integral behaviour.

A copy of the General Regulations:  Diploma Programme and the IB Academic Honesty Policy will be provided to each student and their parents/guardians upon entering the IB Programme.  Students and parents are encouraged to familiarize themselves with these documents and to become aware of the consequences of academic dishonesty.  Reminders of this policy will be conducted throughout the programme.  As well, Sydney Academy's Code of Conduct outlines the "Responsible Behaviours in Learning" in the students' handbook. 

Academic misconduct is a behaviour that results in, or may result in, the student or any other student gaining an unfair advantage in one or more assessment components. 

Academic dishonesty occurs whenever you present something that you did not do as your own work or falsification of records. Academic dishonesty can take different forms:

“The candidate (student) is ultimately responsible for ensuring that all work submitted for assessment is authentic, with the work or ideas of others fully and correctly acknowledged. Candidates are expected to comply with all internal school deadlines; this is for their own benefit and may allow time for revising work that is of doubtful authorship before the submission of the final version.” Academic Honesty (2011)

Examples of Assessment pieces include, but are not limited to:

Good Practice (Academic Honesty in the Diploma Program):

Academic Honesty Violations will be addressed in the following manner:

In the event of malpractice or misconduct during an IB exam, the following steps will be taken:


This policy will be reviewed on a yearly basis by the IB Coordinator, the administration, and IB staff and will be revised as necessary.