Aims of the Student Union’s project

The Student Union wants to provide student led environmental education that will drive change in behaviour so that the whole college community (including staff) can all contribute positively towards the environment.

The Student Union aim to provide contextualised information about the impact of single use plastic, emissions and the benefits of recycling in order to facilitate a change in behaviour where the student communities begin to become environmentally aware and make consumer decisions where the future of the planet comes before cost and convenience.

The Student Union are producing two videos, which are still in development

Unfollow Plastic

The environmental consequences of single use plastic.

The focus of this video will be the impact on marine and bird life, exploring the impact that single use plastic has on our local coastline. As all four counties have a coast, the Student Union will use our own coastline to bring home the message that we all need to take responsibility and make positive choices.

The Student Union are creating the video with a creative design agency as an animation and having Student Union Presidents as characters along with other key characters and locations including campuses, classrooms and local surroundings! The Student Union wanted to recreate these locations in our animation so that they will be familiar to students and staff.

The videos will be shown at inductions, Grŵp Llandrillo Menai website, eDrac, across the Student Union’s social media platforms including YouTube channel for our wider communities.

Our Student Union Presidents discuss why we should refuse single-use plastic.

Switch off

The focus of this video will be on how large groups of people taking small steps can help to significantly reduce energy consumption. The video will include information about fossil fuel and alternative energy. Learners and staff will be encouraged to switch off lights and equipment when not in use, how to get the maximum battery life of their mobile phones and switching engines off. They will be made aware of the financial and environmental costs and savings as individuals and collectives.

The Student Union will also be encouraging people to switch off their phones and connect with people in person in order to enrich their day (where possible due to the current situation).

Infographics and pop up banners

Infographics will be produced on recycled material and will be used to encourage students to move away from single use plastic and use the Students’ Union branded water bottles that the Student Union distributed to students in their Freshers’ Fairs and Learner Conferences.

The infographics will include information on impacts of single use plastic including information on pollution, health issues, marine and bird life, food chain and carbon footprint.

The Student Union will be visiting these facts in their ‘Unfollow Plastic’ video and will be using this information for their infographics.

Keep in touch with our Student Union

Twitter: @SUgllm

Instagram: @SUgllm

TikTok: @SUgllm