Week 6

September 14-18

This Week's Inspiration

This week's inspiration is another element of art ...

-----> S P A C E <-----

Space is so important in art! It shows us how close or far away things are, makes sculpture interesting, and allows artists to decide how much positive or negative area they want to include in their art.



Art Words of the Week

space - the area around, in, and on art

horizon line - the line that separates sky from land or water

vanishing point - the spot where parallel lines come together in art

positive space - the space that is the focus or subject in art

negative space - the space around the focus or subject in art

foreground - what is in the front of your art

middleground - what is in the middle of your art

background - what is in the back of your art

Your Art Challenge

Your Challenge this week is to explore SPACE in your art.

Here are some ideas:

Perspective Drawing: Draw something that shows larger things close up and smaller things in the background far away.

Make-It-Fit Challenge: Create a work of art designed to fit in a specific space, like a CORN MAZE!

You can choose how you want to use space. Be creative and have fun experimenting with space in and around your artwork. Look at the samples below for more ideas!

Some Samples of SPACE

How to Submit Your Art

Enviarás tu arte a través de Google Classroom. El enlace está en nuestra página de inicio junto con el código de la clase.

Si desea compartir su arte para exhibirlo en nuestro sitio web, envíe una imagen con su nombre, grado y título y / o descripción a mrkannard@gisd.k12.nm.us

You will submit your art through Google Classroom. The link is on our home page along with the class code.

If you would like to share your art for display on our website, please send a picture with your name, grade, and a title and/or description to mrkannard@gisd.k12.nm.us