Week 4

August 31 - September 4

This Week's Inspiration

This week's inspiration is another element of art ...

----->S H A P E S<-----

Last week we learned about line... and artists use line to create SHAPES! You can find shapes all around you.



Art Words of the Week

shape - a shape is formed when a line connects back to its beginning | shapes are 2-dimensional (they have width and height but no depth... they are flat!)

geometric shapes - these shapes have perfect, uniform measurements | these are the shapes we learn about in math

organic shapes - free form shapes that can be curvy, angular, irregular, or one of a kind!

Your Art Challenge

Your Challenge this week is to explore shape in your art. Some of the ideas I've given you include

Shape Page: Draw all different types of shapes on a page!

Shape Animals: Draw animals using basic shapes.

Shape Robot: Create a robot using shapes!

Still Life: Set up a group of objects and draw them by identifying their basic shapes.

You can choose how you want to use line. Be creative and have fun experimenting with different types of lines. Look at the resources below for more ideas!

For Beginning Artists

For More Advanced Artists

How to Submit Your Art

Enviarás tu arte a través de Google Classroom. El enlace está en nuestra página de inicio junto con el código de la clase.

Si desea compartir su arte para exhibirlo en nuestro sitio web, envíe una imagen con su nombre, grado y título y / o descripción a mrkannard@gisd.k12.nm.us

You will submit your art through Google Classroom. The link is on our home page along with the class code.

If you would like to share your art for display on our website, please send a picture with your name, grade, and a title and/or description to mrkannard@gisd.k12.nm.us