Week 5

September 7-11

This Week's Inspiration

This week's inspiration is another element of art ...

-----> V A L U E <-----

We've seen examples of value in some of our past week lessons. Remember, the values of colors can change depending on how much white or black is added. All colors and neutrals can have value.



Art Words of the Week

value - the amount of light or dark (you can think of it as a scale)

tint - when white is added to a color

tone - when gray is added to a color

shade - when black is added to a color

Your Art Challenge

Your Challenge this week is to explore value in your art.

Here are some ideas:

Shape & Shading: Make a simple shape and shade it as if it is being lit from only one direction.

Scale: Choose ONE color (or neutrals) and make a scale going from light to dark.

Monochromatic Value Art: Make some art using only shades, tints, and tones of a single color or a mix (like the shoes below).

Photographs: Take pictures and identify the value in them. Turn them to black and white to help you see all the different values!

You can choose how you want to use value. Be creative and have fun experimenting with values in black, white, and grays OR using color. Look at the resources below for more ideas!

Some Samples of VALUE

How to Submit Your Art

Enviarás tu arte a través de Google Classroom. El enlace está en nuestra página de inicio junto con el código de la clase.

Si desea compartir su arte para exhibirlo en nuestro sitio web, envíe una imagen con su nombre, grado y título y / o descripción a mrkannard@gisd.k12.nm.us

You will submit your art through Google Classroom. The link is on our home page along with the class code.

If you would like to share your art for display on our website, please send a picture with your name, grade, and a title and/or description to mrkannard@gisd.k12.nm.us