Francis Brown

TIMETABLES - Daily, Sport and use of The Space

Francis Brown - - Weekly

Guidelines for Physical Activity in Community Spaces

The School has put in place detailed plans and procedures to manage and mitigate the risks posed by Covid-19; particularly those risks that are unique to our context as a boarding school.


  • Each designated space is restricted to 2 groups of 10 students.

  • Maintain physical distancing of 1.5 metres wherever reasonably possible

  • All activity and training must be non-contact, and no competitions are to take place. Contact sports must be modified so that you can maintain 1.5m distance

  • No shared equipment that touches the head or face or cannot be effectively cleaned i.e. soft materials or clothing.

  • Hand hygiene, frequent environmental cleaning and disinfection, use of your own equipment where possible and minimise the sharing of equipment also remains important.