Stress Management Strategies

Many of the suggested wellbeing practices outlined on this site will help you manage your day to day stressors. However, the following are some other suggestions as to positive coping strategies you can use for stress management.

Remember to Breathe...

Mindful Breathing

Sometimes, we just need to slow down and focus on our breath. Try this 4-7-8 technique which not only helps you to relax, but which can also help you get to sleep at night.

  • First, breathe in through your nose for 4 counts.

  • Then, hold your breath for 7 counts.

  • Then, exhale through your mouth for 8 counts.

  • Repeat this cycle as many times as you need to.

For more mindful moments, click here.

Reach Out Breathe App

Download this app if you need a little more help regulating your breath and heart rate. Research shows that slowing your heart rate can increase feelings of calm in your body. Using simple visuals, ReachOut Breathe helps you to control your breath and measures your heart rate in real-time using the camera in your phone.

Progressive Muscle Relaxation

PMR is a really effective way to relax and release stress. Simply lie down, close your eyes and focus on tightening and then relaxing your muscles in the following order: right foot, entire right leg, left foot, entire left leg, right hand, entire right arm, left hand, entire left arm, abdomen, chest, neck and shoulders, face. Or try the guided version.

Make a Plan

Weekly Planner

Every Monday, plan out your week taking into account your Mastery Checkpoint Tasks and how long you think these should take. You can find this planner on your House One Note.

Daily Organiser

Once you know what you need to do for the week, break this down into a daily organiser. You can do this at the start of each day. Again, an example of a daily organiser is on your House One Note.

Ask for Help

Friends & Family

Your friends and family are there to support you and can be an excellent sounding board if you need to talk things through. Here is some guidance as to how to ask for help if you find it difficult.


If you need a little extra help, your Remote Learning Coach, Head of House or another trusted teacher will always be there for support. Make sure you reach out to them for some help any time you need it.


Most people need to talk things through with a counsellor at some point in their lives. You can always access counselling via Kennedy Medical Centre, or other external organisations such as Headspace or Kids Help Line.