Scanning Electron Microscope JEOL JSM-6610LV (Biology) (CCRL01)
Bio SEM Status: Functioning
Located in room 1116B of Biological Sciences Building of the Statesboro Campus.
Below the Specifications is the calendar to schedule appointments to the SEM scope. If a time slot is missing then someone has already booked that time so pick another time. Please make sure to always sign up on the schedule appointment calendar Before coming to use the Bio SEM.
You must be logged into a or Gmail account to reserve instrument time.
Point of contact: Andrew Diamanduros -
Biol SEM JSM-6610LV Instrument Specifications:
Thermionic emission
Detectors: SEI in-lens and LABE Backscattered
Magnification: 5X to 300,000X with resolution of 3.0 nm at 30kV
Accelerating voltage: 0.3 kV - 30 kV
Large view chamber- samples as large as 20 cm diameter x 80 mm height
JEOL digital camera and No EDS
Selectable High and Low vacuum modes
The selectable Low Vacuum mode allows for observation of specimens that cannot be viewed at high vacuum due to excessive water content or because they have a non-conductive surface. Low Vac mode has lower resolution than High Vac mode.