Google Apps

Some fun free apps to choose from in the G Suite of Google apps for education. Most of which are easily accessible right from Google Drive.

These apps offer a variety of options for collaboration, creativity, communication, and collecting data. For more details and examples, take a look at what's under the "Google Apps" link above.

The Google Chrome browser lets us connect to the web for research, browsing and looking for resources. Don't forget to use the Advanced Search Option to find free to use resources, or Google Classroom to organize and manage classroom resources online, or a video conferencing tool like Google Hangouts to connect with anyone in the world.

Chromebook Skills

Thanks for Ryan O'Donnell I can share this clever Google Slide. Take a spin through the slides with Chromie the Chromebook to learn more about using Chromebooks for your classroom. Run this as a group activity or have your students test drive this on their own. Share this with your students using Google Classroom.