
Cleaning up the iPad

As the iPads are shared devices, it is imperative that teachers and students remove all work when they have completed a project. This will improve the performance of the device, help conserve battery life, and help users to manage files and projects more efficiently. When completed, users should remove their own files and projects. The video to the right provides examples of removing Do Ink Green Screen and iMovie projects as well as removing old photos and videos from the Photos app. The process for other apps might vary slightly from these methods.

  1. Remove projects from used apps, e.g. Do Ink, iMovie, etc.
  2. In Photos, select desired files then click the trash can.

NOTE: if you remove items in the Photo app first, you will be prompted with do you want to look for missing files, or something similar, in each project that you open. Save deleting photos and videos for the last step.

Clean Up iPad Do Ink & iMovie.MOV
Close Open Apps.MOV

Close Open Apps

Use this short video and learn how to close open apps. This will improve the performance of the device and help conserve battery life.

1) Double tap the home button.

2) Swipe up any apps you wish to close.


AirDrop is a quick and easy way to share photos, videos, and other files between iOS devices. This short tutorial demonstrates how to send photos and videos from an iPad to and iPhone.

1) Turn AirDrop Receiving on for the receiving device. You can send from any device without this setting.

Swipe up from the bottom of your iPhone for the menue

Swipe to the center from the upper-right hand corner of your iPad

Turn on AirDrip on Finder on your MAC

2) Accept or Decline the files on the receiving device.

Clean Up iPad Do Ink & iMovie.MOV