
Goobric & Doctopus

These powerful tools have come a long way. When I was first introduced to Goobric and Doctopus, they were not so user friendly. I certainly would not have shared these tools with anyone that was hesitant to use technology. They were clunky, and the user interface was challenging to say the least.

I was pleasantly surprised when Vinny D. and I started to play around with these tools in conjunction with Google Classroom. After viewing the short video posted below, Vinny and I created and tested using these tools before he went home and used it for his classes. Vinny was later able to assess, grade, and return digital rubrics through Google Classroom with the help of Goobric and Doctopus with accuracy and lightening speed. Really, almost 200 assignments in under 3 hours. The beauty of this is he did so without having to cart home stacks of papers, binders, or books. He had access to everything he needed with his laptop and a wifi connection.

The Goobric Web App Launcher can be found on the Chrome Webstore. Take a look at the video below or use the Google Doc instructions to get started.

Before long, you too can more efficiently manage your workload by taping into these powerful tools. Let me know if you would like to explore this tool together, Audra.

*Disclaimer. Goobric and Doctopus will work with Google Drive files, e.g. Docs, Sheets, Presentations, Folders, etc.
Goobric and Doctopus to Grade in Classroom
Goobric -
"This extension launches the Goobric web app, a rubric based assessment tool that works with the Doctopus Add-on for Google Sheets.To be used in tandem with the Doctopus Add-on for Google Sheets, the Goobric web app enables flexible, efficient rubric-based grading of Google Drive resources (Documents, Presentations, Spreadsheets, Folders, etc.) Doctopus is a popular assignment distribution and management tool available from any Google Sheet from the Add-ons menu->just search the Add-ons store for "Doctopus."
The Goobric web app provides teachers a handy assessment toolbar -- in the same browser tab as the Google Drive assignment being evaluated! -- that includes a clickable scoring tool tied to any grid-style rubric, comments, and audio-comments recording. Submitted scores can be auto-emailed to students, pasted into the bottom of a Google Document, and are automatically transferred to the Google Sheet that holds your assignment roster. Includes "Back" and "Next" buttons that allow teachers to efficiently advance through a batch of student assignments, all without leaving the same browser tab.
Rubrics should be built as a simple spreadsheet grid. They can be of any dimension or content. Headers can be integer scores (e.g. 1, 2, 3, 4, ... or ...4,3,2,1) -OR- text descriptors (e.g. Developing, Meets, Exceeds) starting in column 2 and skills/competencies must be in rows, with skill titles in column 1."