CALLI 2024-2025


CALLI is a wonderful place to grow your leadership skills, network with other participants throughout Colorado, and meet leaders in the Colorado Library community.  Our goal is to provide you with tools and exposure necessary for future leadership roles within CAL and the Colorado Library Community.

The registration fee is $300, which includes all in-person sessions for 2024-2025. Participants should factor in additional monetary commitments for the following:

The application form asks the applicant to identify any financial aid they may require to participate. Limited funds are available to assist with some financial need.  

We will use (Google Sites and Zoom) for our online sessions and discussions. Please plan on purchasing a headset and webcam (or a computer with a camera and microphone) before July 2024.  

No, but participants must be CAL members before the start of the cohort in July 2024.

Applicants either need to work in a Colorado library-related institution OR be in school for a degree or certification in a library-related field. There is no minimum or maximum length of time worked in the library field to participate. A Masters of Library Science degree is not required to apply.

CALLI participants are expected to attend all sessions both in-person and online, participate in all discussions, activities, exercises, readings, and assignments. There will be eight in-person sessions and five online sessions. The time commitment for sessions ranges between 1.5 hours and two days (plus travel time). View the Curriculum Overview

CALLI is a year-long commitment. There will be eight in-person sessions and five online sessions. The time commitment for sessions ranges between 1.5 hours and two days (plus travel time). Participants should also plan on ten hours of additional work towards assignments and readings for each month

Additionally, CALLI participants will be expected to volunteer with CAL for two years - practicing leadership skills learned in CALLI. Participants can start this commitment any time after starting the CALLI program.

The online application for CALLI will open on January 15, 2024.  The form is due by 11:59 pm on March 15, 2024.  After the application deadline, the CALLI Committee will review applications and announce acceptance into the program by the end of April 2024. All required documents must be uploaded into the application form.

1) current resume or CV 

2) personal essay or multimedia presentation addressing the points listed in the application instructions below.

3) confirmation from your employer that you will be able to attend meetings and participate in virtual working groups 

4) two letters of recommendation

5) electronically signed application 

Employer confirmation will be submitted along with the application. All required documents must be uploaded into the application form.

Letters of recommendation will be submitted along with the application. All required documents must be uploaded into the application form.

Contact with any further questions about CALLI. 

CALLI Application Instructions

Ready to Apply?

The CALLI application deadline has closed and the 2024-2025 CALLI cohort has been selected. 

The 2024-2025 cohort will start in July 2024 with an introductory webinar covering CAL Leadership Institute (CALLI) goals, logistics, and “how-to’s”, and we will gather together in-person in late August 2024 for an informative two day workshop designed to spearhead the 13 month leadership journey.

Additional sessions are outlined in the Curriculum Overview, and participants can expect to meet monthly, either in person or online. For more details about the time commitment see the FAQs above. 

While filling out the form, applicants will need to upload the following documents:

1) current resume or CV

2) personal essay or multimedia presentation addressing the points below

3) confirmation letter from your employer that they support your application and you will be able to attend all in-person and virtual meetings.

4) two letters of recommendation

5) electronically signed application 

For your application, please address the following points in an essay (1-2 pages), or a 2-5 minute multimedia presentation of your choice (e.g. video, screencast, PowerPoint, or other digital/online presentation tool):

1) Why are you interested in this program? What skills do you hope to gain or enhance through participation in this program?

2) Describe your experience with leadership, including your own roles or traits as well as an example of a leader you admire and why.

3) CALLI values equity, diversity, and inclusion. Discuss your experience and commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion. You may include professional and non-professional roles.

4) For the two year CAL service requirement, how do you see yourself participating as a leader or in a leadership role within CAL?

Once your application is submitted, you will receive a confirmation email. Applicants will be notified of their acceptance status no later than the end of April 2024.