High Quality Work Protocols

Claim: GCCS students continue to create well-crafted, authentic projects and products in service of the community.

Quality Work Protocols

"When a student is done with schooling, she is judged for the rest of her life not primarily by her ability to perform on tests, but by the quality of person she is and the quality of work she does. Developing an ethic of quality in students is vital." -EL Education

In order to assess whether GCCS students are producing work at agreed upon measures of high quality, staff routinely participate in Looking at Student Work (LASW) and Quality Work Protocols (QWP). By examining student work several times annually, teachers can see if expedition plans, final product descriptors, and scoring guides support students' high quality, final products, and, if daily student work is aligned and matches our shared expectations for high quality, yet developmentally appropriate, work.

Quality Work Protocols & Documents

QWP 2014-15

QWP 2016-17

QWP 2017-18

QWP 2018-19

EL Education Attributes of HQSW

High Quality Work Protocol "How To"

What we learned

Based on the QWP conducted by staff, we feel we have not only supported the credentialing claim that GCCS students continue to create well-crafted, authentic projects and products in service of the community, but we have identified areas for future improvement in our use of feedback with students around products as well as in our daily work with students.

The discussion of authenticity and purpose of products was a rich one and pushed the staff to examine bias within our expedition plans, case studies, and products, and by extension, examine bias towards our students and within ourselves. This will provide a focal point for future professional development with the staff and may help shape the direction of our high quality work.

GCCS 18-19 EL Work Plan.docx.pdf

GCCS EL Education Work Plan 2018-19

First Grade Daily High Quality Work

Third Grade Daily High Quality Work

Student Reflection - Village to City - Google Forms - Audrey.pdf

Fourth Grade Reflection on HQW

Sixth Grade Feedback Protocol in Art