Keeping You & Others Safe

Keep safe

If you have questions or need to raise concerns please contact your teacher or safeguarding team by clicking the KEEP SAFE button, or emailing 

Sexual Assault Harrassment

Support around sexual abuse, sexual assault, harassment, gender-based discrimination, sexual exploitation and violence

If you are personally subjected to or overhear someone else being subjected to this behaviour the college will support you. 

Please click the button above to report it, and a member of the safeguarding team will be in touch with you to offer you support.

You can also find out more information by clicking the button below.

Online Sexual Harrassment

Are you worried about online sexual abuse or the way someone has been communicating with you online?

Click here to make a report to one of CEOP's Child Protection Advisors

Cyber Enabled Blackmail 

Read this self-help guide to find out what is it, what to do if it happens to you and who can help.

Webcam Blackmail
Cyber Enabled Blackmail.pdf

Staying Safe

Takes 20-30 minutes - please complete in a single sitting

Online Safety

Important Information for Staying Safe Online

It can be hard to know what to do if you’re worried someone close is expressing extreme views or hatred, which could lead to them harming themselves or others.

Working with other organisations, the police protect vulnerable people from being exploited by extremists through a Home Office programme called Prevent. Act early and tell us your concerns in confidence. You won’t be wasting our time and you won’t ruin lives, but you might save them

Useful online safety documents

Here are links to important documents it is important to read so you stay safe online

Click on the symbol on the top right of each document to make them bigger 

GB MET Acceptable Use of IT by Students Policy v3_1 - approved Sep 2021.pdf
Student Guidance - Using Google Meet
GB Met Guidance for Parents and Carers

Useful online safety videos

Watch these videos to remind yourself how to stay safe online
(a reminder of your online safety induction module)