Sexual Assault / Harassment Reporting

Support around sexual abuse, sexual assault, harassment, gender-based discrimination, sexual exploitation and violence

If you are personally subjected to or overhear someone else being subjected to this behaviour the college will support you. 

Please complete the form below, and a member of the safeguarding team will be in touch with you to offer you support.

In the meantime, please see below an array of external services that can also offer support.

Survivor’s Network: If you’ve been affected by sexual abuse or violence there is a specialist rape and sexual violence abuse service for anyone in Sussex provided by Survivor’s Network. 

Mankind: Offer support to men who have been sexual abused. Call 01273 911680.

The Saturn Centre: The Sussex Sexual Assault Referral Centre, offers free support and practical help to anyone in Sussex who has experienced sexual abuse.
If you would like to speak to someone The Saturn Centre is available 24/7 on 0800 033 7797.

Rape Crisis: Freephone 0808 802 9999
Rape Crisis England & Wales: The national umbrella body for our network of autonomous member Rape Crisis Centres across England and Wales and was set up to support their specialist work.

SurvivorsUK: Helps men who have been sexually abused and raises awareness of their needs. Call 0203 598 3898

SupportLine: A confidential emotional support to children, young adults and adults by telephone, email and post for all genders. Call 01708 765200