Student Experience - Brighton MET


For those of you I haven’t met yet, I’m Rupert Gaskell – your Student Experience Co-ordinator

I started working at the college in November 2023. My role involves organising fun events, extracurricular clubs as well as working on engaging the Student Voice and getting your opinions heard. We’ve got lots of exciting events coming up this year and would love for you to get involved as a college community!! 
Please email Student Experience Team with any questions or Include the campus you are on in your email.

WHAT'S ON at college

Your community calendar is here!!

We have loads of exciting events and activities coming up which we can’t wait to see you get involved with!

MET 2023-24 Com Calendar.pdf

Weekly Events

WHAT'S ON outside college

Have you thought about volunteering?

The Concordia Youth Action programme blends online & face to face volunteering that supports young people in Sussex to engage with their local community. 

The programme is accessible for anyone age 14 to 19 in Sussex, and we would love to offer this opportunity to your young people at the MET to get involved. They blend online & face to face volunteering that supports young people in Sussex to engage with their local community.

 The CYA programme is delivered every Wednesday at 5:30 to 7pm.

Have a look at AudioActive's free music projects.