
Night School

  Summer School

** Guidance always recommends booking an appointment prior to registering for courses outside of day school to discuss your options.  By examining your individual achievement and understanding your wants and needs, counsellors can help make suggestions or offer additional options you may not yet have considered **

Day School eLearning 

Online Night School (eLearning - asynchronous)

A full course load is 4 courses per semester.  A 5th course would only be approved under exceptional circumstances - please come speak to Guidance if this is your request.  

Grade 11 students are not permitted to have 3 courses with MSS and a Night School Remote/Online course, unless they have 17 credits at the start of semester 1, OR 21 or more credits by the end of semester 1, OR choosing a compulsory course that we are not able to offer at MSS.

Remote Night School
(Live Teacher Online - synchronous)

Summer School

Summer School eLearning

International and Indigenous Languages