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Individual Pathway Planner (IPP)

Students can access their IPP through myPathwayPlanner, also known as myBlueprint.

The IPP serves as a record of student learning and illustrates where students have been and where they are going.  In addition, the IPP helps students develop a fuller understanding of the education and career/life planning inquiry process and the value the process will have for them in their post-secondary planning and throughout their lives. 

Students are encouraged to engage regularly with the features of the Individual Pathways Plan (IPP) and start recording:

The IPP is based on four questions to help you plan your initial post-secondary destination.  To learn more, check out the link.



myBlueprint is an extension of myPathwayPlanner and hosts resources used to develop students' IPPs and research.  As well,  myBlueprint is used to explore course descriptions/pre-requisites and to receive messages from Guidance (top right corner is an Envelope for messages).  In February, students use myBlueprint to select their courses for the following year.  

The IPP has been devised to aid students in tracking their academic and career goal progress through Grades 9-12.  It is designed to help students identify their strengths and interests, as well as understand what pathway options are available to them, and how to get there.  The IPP allows students to have SMART goals  vs  just a dream without an action plan.   

Interested in some assistance exploring your IPP?  See the Grade-related Activities below to help walk you through the tools to help discover more about YOU!