Course Types

Every course in an Ontario Secondary School has a six-character course code.  A code can be broken down as follows:

The Gifted Program

Students who have been identified through an IPRC as "Gifted" are eligible to be in the Markville Gifted Program. Through the Gifted Program, students are given opportunities to explore topics with greater depth and breadth and at an accelerated pace. Students are not eligible to choose gifted level courses unless they have taken the specific steps with school registration to be enrolled in the program.

Markville offers six courses at the Gifted level in Grade 9 and five at the Grade 10 level. Students must take a minimum of four courses each year at the Gifted level in order to remain in the program and be eligible to take courses at the gifted level.

Grade 9/10 Courses: BTT1OG (Business Studies), CGC1DG (Geography), CHC2DG (History), ENG1DG / ENG2DG (English), FSF1DG / FSF2DG (French), MTH1WG / MPM2DG (Math), SNC1WG / SNC2DG (Science).

NOTE: The gifted program will no longer be offered at Markville S.S. as of 2024-2025 school year. 

Locally Developed (Essential Level) Courses

Locally Developed compulsory courses are available in English (ENG1L / ENG2L), Math (MAT1L / MAT2L) and Science (SNC1L / SNC2L) & Grade 10 History (CHC2L). These courses have been developed for students who are currently not working at grade level and who would benefit from more structure and reinforcement of concepts.  Additionally, Essential Level Courses:

• Count towards compulsory graduation requirements

• Provide background information and preparation for possible movement into the grade 9 Applied courses and into the college level stream

• Help students develop confidence in their abilities and skills in learning strategies

Destreamed, Academic and Applied Courses

Here's what you need to know

As part of the Ministry of Education’s De-streaming plan, secondary schools in Ontario offered a new Grade 9 Math course in September 2021, which took the place of both Grade 9 Academic and Applied Math.  In September 2022, the Ministry added a new De-streamed Grade 9 Science course, which replaced the Grade 9 Academic and Applied Science courses.

In 2023, English is offered as a De-streamed course, while French is offered at the Academic level. This means that almost all Grade 9 students are taking De-streamed programming, with the exception of students who may take Locally Developed courses. Geography will be offered as a De-streamed course for all Grade 9s as of fall 2024.

Please note that it is not a new choice between Academic/De-streamed and Locally Developed.  Only the students who would have previously selected Locally Developed, will continue to select it.  More information can be accessed at the YRDSB site. 

Please see the Chart below for how the phasing of de-streaming will occur:

2023-2024 School Year


● Grade 9 Math, Science and English are offered as De-streamed courses (MTH1W1, SNC1W1, ENL1W1)

All students who would have previously chosen Academic or Applied courses should take these courses


● Grade 9 French and Geography as well as Grade 10 History and Math will be offered as Academic Courses (ENG1D1, FSF1D1, CGC1D1) (CHC2D1, MPM2D1)

All students who would have previously chosen Applied courses should take Academic

Grade 9 French will be offered at the Open level for students who have not completed the minimum 600 hours of elementary Core French instruction (FSF1O1)

Locally Developed (Essentials)

● Locally Developed courses are offered at the Grade 9 and Grade 10 level in the areas of English, Math, Science and/or History (ENG1L, MAT1L, SNC1L & CHC2L)

● Locally Developed courses accommodate educational and/or career preparation needs that are not met through other courses

● College, University and Apprenticeship programs may not accept courses in this pathway for admission

Students entering Grade 9 will be able to select between College and University Type Compulsory/Pre-Requisite courses in their Grade 11 year.  

Students should review the Post-Secondary Pathway options to understand the requirements for attending specific pathways, as they work towards selecting the courses for their Grade 11 year.  Students and families are encouraged to work with Guidance to help support their understanding of post-secondary requirements, as well as interests and strengths.  It's never too early to start working with Guidance!!!