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LIU18 Continuity of Education Hub
Purpose of the Hub:
The purpose of this site is to equip LEAs with questions to consider and assistive resources to continue providing education for students in an environment of prolonged closures based on feasibility and availability of resources. Please consider all of your options as you continue appropriate and reasonable operation in the good faith of your school community.
LEAs have three main options regarding the provision or systemic blend thereof when considering the Continuity of Education:
Planned Instruction
Enrichment and Review
Provide no instruction
As LEAs work through making the decision of which of the three options to pursue, it is suggested that district superintendents and charter school CEOs explore the options with the assistance of their leadership teams. These teams may include the following:
Special Education Director
Curriculum Director
ESL Supervisor
Building Administrators
Central Office Administrators
Business Manager
Human Resources Director
Others as deemed appropriate