
Option A: Provide students with Planned Instruction

For LEAs considering Planned Instruction, what options are available?

    1. Flexible Instructional Days for districts/schools with approved plans

    2. Online/digital learning opportunities

    3. Non-digital learning opportunities (e.g., materials sent home with students)

The decision to employ one or more of these Planned Instruction methods is made at the local level based on feasibility, availability of resources, access and equity considerations, and the Commonwealth’s social distancing recommendations.

If an LEA chooses to provide Planned Instruction, then the LEA must make certain that all students that participate have the ability to access and participate in instruction. LEAs need to specifically consider students with IEPs and English learners to ensure they are providing the accommodations and supports necessary to be sure they can participate meaningfully. It is recognized services cannot be provided as they have been prior to the school closures, but LEAs should make sure supports are reasonable and appropriate for the current instructional circumstances.

There is an expectation of regular participation and coursework completion in order to receive a grade and credit.

Option B: Provide students/parents with resources for Enrichment and Review

Enrichment and Review activities can take a variety of forms. Online resources, virtual instruction, or independent work packets are a few options to maintain student engagement in learning. The resources can mirror the planned course of instruction from before the closure. The expectation is that LEAs will act in good faith to make sure the students that choose to participate can access and participate in enrichment and review as appropriate in light of these new student circumstances. LEAs must consider how to make optional enrichment and review materials accessible to and meaningful for non-English speaking students.

Combination of Option A and Option B:

LEAs may employ a combination of Option A and Option B based on the needs of their student population. Key components of Option A is expected regular participation, coursework completion with course credit. For Option A, LEAs also need to ensure consideration for the provision of FAPE for students with disabilities and appropriate accommodations for English learners that are reasonable and appropriate based on student need and current circumstances.

It is understood that some students may not be able to fully participate in either Options A or B during the closure. In this case, LEAs must be able to demonstrate that they made a good faith effort to address the needs of all students. They must also plan for appropriate follow-up instruction and/or compensatory education owed to such students once normal school operations resume.

Option C: Provide nothing and have the schools be closed, similar to a closure due to inclement weather

In this option schools are closed, no students are receiving instruction. LEAs should consider the length of time the schools are closed and, based on that time frame, the educational needs of the students. As always, the highest priority should be attempting to provide some type of Continuity of Education for students. Be aware that in the event schools are closed for an extended period of time and no Planned Instruction or Enrichment and Review is offered, the potential need for compensatory education for students eligible under IDEA may significantly increase.

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