
Definition of Terms

  1. Continuity of Education: Continuity of Education is the overall term for any educational practices that occur in the event of a prolonged school closure. It is important that students have the opportunity to maintain and develop skills while away from the customary school environment. This can be done through Planned Instruction or Enrichment and Review.

  1. Planned Instruction: Planned Instruction is formal teaching and learning similar to that which occurs in a classroom setting. Within this process, teachers use planned courses of instruction of new concepts/skills aligned to grade level standards. Teachers assess the learning of their students and make adjustments to instruction based upon student progress. In order to receive grade and credit, students must attend regularly and complete the course requirements.

  1. Enrichment and Review: Enrichment and Review consists of informal activities to reinforce or extend students’ prior learning. No standards and skills are addressed through Enrichment and Review.