News & Events

Project Kick Off

7th November 2023

EDU-FIT in a journal from the university of zagreb

15th January 2024

maintaining student health in a digital environment

9th February 2024

World Obesity Day aT Maribor, Slovenia

4th March  2024

EDU-FIT project in the e-newsletter published by the University of Maribor

19th March  2024

EDU-FIT In "Nature Heals", Slovenia

4th of April  2024

1st EDU-FIT ONline Workshop

11th April  2024

Dr. Maja Baretić introduced the EDU-FIT project in the European Parliament

18th April  2024

EDU-FIT in the FFUP job Fair (Porto)

17th and 18th of April 2024

Edu-Fit at the XXXIII. symposium of Pediatricians in Maribor

18th and 19th of April 2024

EDU-FIT at the Conference: "Building Sustainable and Participatory Environments"

7th of May 2024

EDU-FIT at the University of Zadar

8th of May 2024

Event Highlights: EDU-FIT WP3 multiplier event

17th of May 2024

How to maintain a healthy lifestyle during studies and throughout life?" 

22nd of May 2024

EDU FIT project at the European Association for the Study of Obesity (EASO) 

22nd of May 2024

INItial EDU-FIT survey results

31st of May 2024

Porto in-person meeting

5th and 6th of June

Online Educational Resources on nutrition

21st of June