Kick off Meeting

The first, so-called Kick-off meeting of our interdisciplinary Erasmus+ EDU-FIT project, which layed the foundations for a successful future partnership, took part at the University of Maribor on the 6th and 7th of November 2023. The partners (The State Referral Centre for the Treatment of Obesity, Croatia; The Faculty of Applied Linguistics, The University of Economics, Slovakia; The Faculty of Humanities and Social Science, University of Zagreb; The Competences Centre on Active and Healthy Ageing, University of Porto; Non-for-profit foundation SanAstra, Norway, and the Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Tourism and Faculty of Medicine, the University of Maribor) got to know each other better and introduced their fields of expertise, discussed, examined and reviewed all project's Working Packages, activities and objectives in details. Partners had the opportunity to take a closer look and fully understand the project management, including Financial Handbook, Communication plan, Dissemination plan and Risk protocol along with the project quality control.

The meeting was attended by representatives from each partner organization involved in the Erasmus+ project. The participants included Prof. Dr Josef Štefcik, Prof. Dr Dušanka Mičetić-Turk, Prof. Dr Vlasta Kučiš, Prof. Dr Maja Baretić, Prof. Dr Sanja Seljan, mag. Zrinka Šmuljić, Prof. Dr Jasna Potočnik Topler, mag. Claudia Campos (online), dr. Ana Pongrac Pavlina (online), Urška Ošljak and coordinator Prof. Ddr Natalia Kaloh Vid,  representing a diverse range of expertise and backgrounds.

The meeting began with a warm welcome from the project coordinator Prof. Ddr. Natalia Kaloh Vid, emphasizing the significance of the collaborative effort in achieving the project's goals. Attendees introduced themselves, providing insights into their organizational roles and expectations from the project. After that the project coordinator presented a comprehensive overview of the Erasmus+ project, highlighting its objectives, relevance, and expected impact on the participating organizations and stakeholders. The kick-off meeting proved to be a significant step in establishing a strong foundation for the future cooperation, aimed to ensure a shared understanding of the project's mission and vision.