

The University of Maribor (UM) is an autonomous scientific, research, and educational public institution. It is the second largest and the second oldest Slovene university with 1.960 employees and approximately 14.000 students who study at the 17 faculties. UM is developing scientific disciplines, which cover sustainability, ecosystems discipline, engineering, biotechnology, humanities, medicine, social sciences, multilingual communication, and natural sciences. The University’s mission and vision emphasize the importance of concern for interpersonal relations and a creative working environment, enabling the well-being of employees and students. With its nineteen member institutions, the University of Maribor is turning into a central development institution attracting talented students from all over the world and providing a development context where excellence is at home at all levels. The development of the first Slovene nanosatellite going into space, the success of the students participating in the Student Formula project, permanent high scores in the Imagine Cup international student competition for innovativeness, technological solutions, and development, the prestigious Reimagine Education award for the Demola project where students work on concrete solutions to various challenges in companies, and cooperating in the establishment of the world-class national supercomputer "HPC Vega" are only a few examples of UM's most notable achievements. The management is aware that close ties between the university as a central educational and research institution and its local environment and the industry are of the utmost importance. The management is also well aware of the fact of how important it is to develop healthy lifestyle habits among students and offer various free-of-charge sports activities (e.g. open-air fitness and the University's Sports Centre). UM is a regional developer with the vision to be a globally recognized ecosystem of innovation in which the students, faculty, and administrative staff will enthusiastically engage in creative activity. UM aims to promote partnerships with businesses, governmental and non-governmental, and other institutions in society to enrich university teaching, research, and creative activity; prepare educated, engaged citizens; strengthen democratic and ethical values and civic responsibility; address critical societal issues; respect ecological and environmental issues; promote sustainability in development and contribute to the public good. With its nineteen member institutions (17 faculties, the University's Library, and the Univesity's Dormitories) and an excellent strategical internationalization, UM isturning into a central development institution attracting talented students from all over the world and providing a development context where excellence is at home at all levels. International projects always involve students and are based on their needs. Various international awards prove that the university is highly recognizable on the national and international levels. This year, UM was ranked among the best global universities and earned the highest score among Slovene universities on Times Higher Education World University Rankings, examining how universities fulfill their primary mission in different areas. In 2014, UM also received an award for the well-being of foreign students at HE institutions. In Slovenia and abroad, UM is recognized as a university providing students with an excellent learning experience. The project EDU-FIT expects to contribute significantly to this creative and development-oriented story by offering the students well-developed and consistent didactic tools for preventing obesity, developing healthy lifestyle habits, and being fit for their future professions, jobs, and in general, their life quality. 

Natalia Kaloh Vid, PhD/PhD 

Ddr. Natalia Kaloh Vid is an Associate Professor at the Department of Translation Studies, Faculty of Arts, University of Maribor, Slovenia where she teaches various courses on intercultural communication, professional translations, literary translations, culture and translation theory. She holds a Ph.D. degree in English Literature and Translation studies which focuses on the influence of ideology on literary and translation production. Her second Ph.D. degree is in Contemporary Russian Literature. She is the former vice-dean for International cooperation and Promotion. She is the author of five scientific monographies and more than 100 scientific articles and chapters. As a guest lecturer, she has lectured at the universities in Scotland, Ireland, England, Austria, Poland, Serbia, Bulgaria and Croatia and has participated as a researcher in various international projects, including TransLaw - exploring legal interpreting service paths and transcultural law clinics for persons suspected or accused of crime; Grant agreement number: 760157 - TransLaw - JUST-AG-2016 / JUST-AG-2016-06. 

Jasna Potočnik Topler, PhD

Dr Jasna Potočnik Topler has been teaching at the University of Maribor, Slovenia since 2014. She completed her studies in English language and literatures and in Journalism and was awarded her PhD at the University of Ljubljana. Currently, she holds the position of Associate Professor. Her field of research includes cultural tourism with its subtypes, languages, tourism and media discourse, and communication. She is the author of monographs, scientific articles, conference lectures, and an editorial board member of many journals. She has been engaged in several international projects and in projects with students; the most recent under the EU Erasmus+ Programme KA220-HED is IN-COMM GUIDE that enhances active and inclusive teaching of literacy and communication skills for better employment and sustainable economic growth. As a guest lecture she has had cooperation with many European universities, among others with the Doctoral College of the University of Plymouth (UK). 

Dušanka Mičetić-Turk, PhD

Prof.emerita, dr. dr. h. c. Dušanka Mičetić-Turk, Ph.D. med. - senior councilor, is the founder of pediatric gastroenterology at the Maribor Pediatric Clinic and for many years the leading pediatric gastroenterologist in Slovenia. She completed her professional training at pediatric clinics in Belgrade, Zagreb, Leiden, Amsterdam, Graz, London and New York. In parallel with her clinical work, she was very involved in research in the field of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition, as well as probiotics and intestinal microbiota. From 1997 to 2007, she was the dean of the College of Health Sciences, which under her leadership became the Faculty of Health Sciences in 2003. In 2006, the University of Oulu, Finland, awarded her the provisional title of Doctor Honoris Causa for her many years of successful and creative collaboration in the field of medicine and nursing. She is a full member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts since 2013 and, a member of the Medical Academy of Slovenia since 2017. Since the establishment of MF UM, she has been the head of the Department of Pediatrics at the Faculty of Medicine, UM.  

Vlasta KUČIŠ, PhD

Vlasta KUČIŠ is Full Professor at the Department of Translation Studies, University of Maribor in Slovenia; PhD in the field of intercultural communication and translation studies; Head and coordinator of the CEEPUS-network TRANS (TRANScultural Communication and TRANSlation); Experience in intercultural communication and foreign language adult education; Active participation at international communication and translation studies conferences; several Erasmus and CEEPUS Mobility grants; Membership: EST (European Society for Translation Studies), IFCA (International Federation of Communication Associations); Research areas: Translation and Communication Studies, Intercultural Communication, Translation Theory, Specialized Translation. Member of the international TransLaw project group and EDU-FIT research group. Head of the bilaterally project: Computer-Assisted Translation in Slovene-Croatian Business Communication as a Part of Inclusive Society. Publications:  

Urska Ošljak

Urška Ošljak, a Slovenian professional with a diverse and extensive background, has been actively engaged in various roles across different organizations. Currently serving as an Independent Professional Associate at the University of Maribor, Faculty of Arts, she undertakes part-time responsibilities involving administrative tasks, financial management, project work, and coordination of activities related to project implementation. In her concurrent role as the Head of Development and Procurator at Cresco, Opportunity Development Company LTD, she provides professional guidance, coordinates experts, and delivers services in the field of development projects and EU funding. Additionally, Urška has contributed significantly as the General Secretary of TERIS, Association for Territorial Cooperation, where she oversees the General Secretariat and manages diverse areas, including Administration, Project Office, Marketing, and Logistics. Throughout her career, she has demonstrated expertise in project management, development planning, financial management, and strategic coordination, showcasing her commitment to fostering regional development and innovation.


The State Referral Centre for the Treatment of Obesity of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Croatia (Zagreb), is part of the largest health institution in the Republic of Croatia, University Hospital Centre Zagreb UHC Zagreb. UHC Zagreb provides basic care and highly sophisticated medical procedures for healthcare users from Croatia and abroad. It is a publicly funded teaching hospital offering general and advanced medical care. With over ~1800 beds and 5470 employees, it is the largest and most advanced medical facility in Croatia. Particular emphasis is put on the interdisciplinary and individual approach to each user. It is a part of the high academic education- at the School of Medicine, University of Zagreb. Besides providing basic healthcare, the hospital is up to date with the latest treatment methods, implemented into everyday work, and per strict scientific criteria. This is evident in the fact that the hospital is the base for 70 referral centers of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Croatia, whose task is to continuously monitor and systematically promote particular areas of medicine in our country. One of them is the State Referral Centre for the Treatment of Obesity. The State Referral Centre for the Treatment of Obesity of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Croatia is also accredited by the European association for the study of obesity (EASO) Collaborating Centre for Obesity Management. It is a pan-European network of accredited centers by accepted European and academic guidelines. This network ensures that obese and overweight patients are managed by a holistic team of specialists and receive comprehensive state-of-the-art clinical care.Furthermore, while working under the umbrella of EASO, quality control, data collection, analysis, and education and research for advancing obesity care and obesity science are ensured. The management of obesity in the Centre includes in dividual and group treatment with multidisciplinary healthcare focusing on lifestyle changes, pharmacotherapy, and obesity surgery. It also collaborates with Croatian society in the treatment of obesity. State Referral Centre for the Treatment of Obesity of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Croatia is conducting many scientific preclinical and clinical studies. The members of the Centre are involved in patient advocacy, such as raising awareness of obesity, avoiding stigmatization in daily terminology, and publishing brochures and booklets. With such experience, we believe that we can provide data for the educational materials by a multidisciplinary healthcare team (endocrinologist-diabetologist specialized for obesity, nutritionist, physiotherapist, psychiatrist and psychologists) targeting the young student population. Since the UHC Zagreb is also part of the School of Medicine and both theoretical and practical part of the study is performed at the Obesity center this project will have a positive impact on our students too. 

Dr. Maja Baretić

Dr. Maja Baretić, MD, PhD, is a specialist in internal medicine, a consultant in the fields of endocrinology and diabetology working at the University Hospital Centre Zagreb, Croatia. She is also an assistant professor at the School of Medicine, University of Zagreb. 

Her main clinical and scientific interests are obesity and its consequences, diabetes and the use of artificial intelligence, and thyroid disorders.

Notably, dr. Baretić leads the Croatian State Referral Centre for Obesity, a prestigious establishment registered as a Collaborating Centre for Obesity Management under the European Association for the Study of Obesity (EASO). Her dedication and contributions have earned her the esteemed title of "European Obesity Fellow," a recognition bestowed upon her by EASO.

Zrinka Šmuljić, Msc of nutrition science 

I work as a dietitian in Department of Nutrition and Dietetics at University Hospital Centre Zagreb. My main job is to conduct apropriate diet therapy among patients sent to the dietitian by specialist or primary care physician. With my collegues I educate young (kids/their parents) and adolescents) and adult patients about apropriate medical nutrition therapy in accordance with the established diagnosis in purpose to changing lifestyle habits and improving health. I'm a member of multidisciplinary team for obesity and cystic fibrosis treatment. Together with my main job, I participate, as an asisstant in Specialist Graduate Proffesional Study Program of Enviromental Health Engineering at the University of Applied Health Sciences in Zagreb. I'm continuing with my education by enrolling a PhD study program at the Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechonology in Zagreb and participating in scientific and public conferences.    


The Faculty of Applied Languages (the University of Economics) provides education in the domain of languages andintercultural communication with a focus on applied linguistics, translatology, and terminology. In this project Faculty of Applied languages will be involved in developing a new curriculum and coordinating an interactive app for didactic purposes. Furthermore, in the submitted project, the Faculty should become a bridge by engaging experts across multidisciplinary teams to offer their expertise and bring solutions based on comparability, transparency, flexibility, and sustainability of the whole project proposal. The University of Economics (EUBA) is a leading public university in Slovakia. It has extensive experience in research and teaching in Economics, Business, Finance, Management, and International Relations, as well as foreign languages for specific purposes, translation, interpreting, and terminology corpora. The EUBA has more than 7 000 students in its seven faculties, and it is Slovakia's most important center of education and research in these disciplines. Its faculties prepare students for careers in state administration, embassies, governmental and nongovernmental organizations, and private multi-national corporations. For the past years, it has consistently topped theranking in terms of graduate employment rates. The University uses quality standards compliant with ENQA. EUBA has been involved in various national and international projects (e.g. Erasmus, CEEPUS, Horizon Europe). The Faculty of Applied languages provides education in the domain of languages and intercultural communication, focusing on applied linguistics, translatology, and terminology. The Faculty of Applied languages at the University of Economics has been involved in several research projects, namely: PROMINENCE - Promoting mindful encounters through intercultural competence and experience (Tempus), CORALL - Coaching-oriented Online Resources for the Autonomous Learning of LSP (Tempus), MAGYC – Migration Governance and Asylum Crisis (Horizon 2020), Terminology database used in hunting (national project), The language of right-wing extremism. A political, linguistic perspective (national project), Language in the city – documenting the multimodal semiosphere of the language landscape in Slovakia and from a comparative perspective (APVV), The influence of the audio blog web application on the development of language skills, listening comprehension and speaking in foreign language teaching (national project). The Faculty of Applied Languages focuses on interdisciplinary cooperation in close intercultural and interlingual communication, training translators, interpreters, or linguists/terminologists, and cooperates with external institutions, e.g. Directorate General for Translation of the EU Commission, Association of translation companies, Slovak Association of translators of technical and scientific literature, Non-profit organization EDUMA, and others. The EUBA students are also allowed to engage in joint project initiatives. The faculty of Applied languages will be involved in developing a multilingual curriculum for a new course on preventing obesity and developing healthy lifestyle habits and coordinating an interactive app for didactic purposes in this project.  

Jozef Štefčík 

Jozef Štefčík completed Translation studies of the English and German language at the Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Slovakia.  Since 2005, he has been working as an interpreter and translator. His research domain is the didactics of interpreting and using technologies in translation, legal, and community interpreting.    

He was the president of the Slovak Society of Translators of Technical Literature (SSPOL) and project manager of the Translogia company, which focuses on multilingual digital projects. He is an assistant professor at the University of Economics (Department of Linguistics and Translatology) in Bratislava. He has published several articles on translation and interpreting and a monograph on various issues of legal interpreting in Slovakia. He has been in a team of coordinators within the CEEPUS-TRANS network and projects related to terminology databases, multilingual mobile guide apps, evaluation of machine translation and post-editing in MT. LinkedIn 

Mgr. Silvia Adamcová, PhD. 

 Silvia Adamcová is the Head of the Department of Linguistics and Translation and is employed as an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Applied Languages, University of Economics in Bratislava, Slovakia. She holds a Master's Degree in German and English Language and Literature from the Faculty of Education at Comenius University in Bratislava. In 2016, she completed her doctorate at the Faculty of International Relations of the University of Economics in Bratislava, specializing in the Program of International Economic Relations. Since 2018, she has served as the Slovak Branch Manager of the "Gesellschaft für deutsche Sprache" (Association for the German Language). Her academic pursuits focus on various aspects of German and English linguistics, including academic language, orthography and phonetics, grammar, and linguistic characteristics of the German language. Additionally, she is engaged in the study of Anglo-American literature.  Currently, she teaches linguistically oriented courses in German and English in both Bachelor's and Master's degree programs. Throughout her teaching career, she has authored numerous monographs, university textbooks, glossaries, linguistic terminology, and scientific articles, both in Slovakia and internationally. She has been engaged in several projects in Slovakia. 


The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (FHSS), the University of Zagreb, is the oldest and largest Croatian scientific and higher education institution in the humanities and social sciences, as well as an important cultural institution with a significant influence in Croatian culture and society. The mission is to be a national leader and global partner in creating and transmitting knowledge that shapes a more humane society. The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences offers 92 university study programs, of which 44 are undergraduate, 47 graduate, and 1 integrated undergraduate and graduate study program. The Faculty offers 15 university postgraduate (doctoral) programs and 6 postgraduate specialized study programs. Faculty has 590 full and associate professors, assistant professors, senior lectors, lectors, senior lecturers, lecturers, and post-doctoral researchers, and 162 members of the professional, support, and other staff (librarians, technicalstaff, secretaries, administrators) and about 7000 students of all levels.  At the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, students are provided with opportunities to explore various fields of Humanities such as history, archaeology, philosophy, ethnology, anthropology, history of art, languages literature and linguistics, as well as social sciences such as psychology, sociology, pedagogy, and information sciences. The Department of information and communication sciences, comprising 27professors and assistants, offers undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral studies. Every year, 100 students are enrolled in this study program. The Department consists of chairs covering teaching and research in the domains of informatics, archival sciences and documentation, librarianship, museology, books and publishing, media, and Natural Language Processing. Information sciences have developed national cooperation with institutions, agencies, society, other educational institutions, government, libraries, museums, etc., and international cooperation with a range of projects, visiting lectures, and research activities. In the research work, special attention is given to research related to using of IT in society with an interdisciplinary approach, including Natural Language Processing, Artificial intelligence, Knowledge organization, etc. International cooperation is reflected through numerous research papers, cooperation activities, invited lectures, and projects. Besides other numerous projects, Department has the following projects, which are specifically relevant for the project, related to multilingual machine translation and other language technologies used in IT and in the domain of healthcare. 

1. Development of Virtual Assistant and Machine Translation Resources from specialized domains by AI techniques (VirasIntel) (Institutional project, 2021) 

2. Disruptive technologies in knowledge creation: machine learning and data analytics with implementation in specialized domains (grant supported by University of Zagreb) 2019 

3. Information Technology in Computer-Assisted Translation of Croatian and in e-Language Learning (130-1300646-0909 national scientific project, financed by the Ministry of Science, Education and Sport, Ministry of Science, Education and Sport) 2007-2013 

4. ACCURAT – Analysis and evaluation of Comparable Corpora for Under-Resourced Areas of machine Translation, (January 2010.- June 2012.) 

5. LetsMT! – Platform for Online Sharing of Training Data and Building User Tailored Machine Translation, (March 2010.-August 2012.) 

6. i2 curriculum development in the field of information science, Program: Tempus project Aspects of organization and information systems: curriculum development, European Commission (Directorate General for Education, 2002.-2005. (11 partners) 

Ana Pongrac Pavlina, PhD

Ana Pongrac Pavlina, PhD, assistant professor in Information and Communication Sciences, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, Croatia. She teaches at the graduate study in domain of teaching methods in computer science education and teaching methods in information and communication sciences. Her scientific interest is focused on the study of teaching methods in classical and digital educational environments. She studies topics related to teaching methods in computer science education and teaching methods in information and communication sciences, such as e-learning, digital textbooks, digital educational tools, digital educational materials, new teaching methods, quality teaching, creative teaching, children’s library, (digital) picturebooks. Author of several scientific papers in the field of information and communication sciences and educational sciences. She has published 18 scientific and 1 professional paper. She is a supervisor of more than 50 graduate thesis.

Dr. Sanja Seljan

Prof. Dr. Sanja Seljan is a full prof., permanent tenure, Ph. D. in Information and Communication Sciences, Faculty of Humanities and Social sciences - University of Zagreb, Croatia. She is a Faculty board member, former Deputy Head of the Department and former Head of Chair for Informatics. She is a researcher, Ph.D. supervisor and consultant, teaching at undergraduate, graduate and three doctoral studies in domain of Artificial Intelligence.  She is board member of the National Scientific Committee for Information and Communication Sciences. Author of more than 100 research and professional papers, co-editor or 8 publications. Invited and keynote speaker at international conferences and in European institutions (European Parliament, European Commission). She is a supervisor of more than 100 graduate thesis, supervisor of 15 doctoral thesis. Her expertise is natural language processing (NLP) and text mining, machine translation, data science, language technologies in business, data analytics and visualization. She has specialized abroad. Languages: Croatian, English, French, Italian

Universidade do Porto/Porto4Ageing

The Competences Centre on Active and Healthy Ageing of the University of Porto (Porto4Ageing) competency center is a four-starred Reference Site and Partner Plus of the European Innovation Partnership and Healthy Ageing of the European Commission, bringing together over 90 organizations, most of them established within the Porto Metropolitan Area, in the Northern Region of Portugal. The partnership is built upon the quadruple helix approach – it involves different stakeholders (regional governments and health and care providers, academia and research, industry, and civil society), which are in agood position to drive structural changes far beyond the scope of any organization could achieve on its own, aiming to funded projects, Erasmus + (“Green Digital Diversity”, “V.I.B.E”, “CONNECT”. “Ages”) and other programs (“IN-4-AHA”, “BEAMER”, EIT Health Hub”). Furthermore, the Competence Centre is responsible for developing, validating, implementing, and evaluating a running discipline in the Faculty of Pharmacy – Digital Health. Hence, UPorto, via Porto4Ageing can contribute to the project by providing expertise in the field of education, specifically in digital health, by supporting the development of content regarding the usage of digital health tools to control and combat obesity. University of Porto (UPORTO, is Portugal’s second-largest university and one of the most prestigious teaching and research institutions in the country. It has around1600 non-teaching staff, over 31.000 students (around 1500 from foreign countries), and 2300 full-time academic staff, twothirds of which are post-graduates. This high qualification level of the teaching staff, combined with advanced lab technology and equipment, as well as the close connections with the business world, ensure first-class training, which is fully recognized by the labor market. As the biggest producer of science in Portugal, UPORTO provides an exceptional variety of courses (over 600 training programs per year) covering the whole range of study areas and all levels of higher education, from degrees to lifelong education courses. Currently, UPORTO hosts almost 50 research centers (9 of them are state-associated labs) covering a wide range of areas, from the humanities to sciences and technologies, and six competence centers in the fields of cybersecurity, aging, biomechanics, media, ocean, and materials research. Evaluated by international panels of independent experts in assessments by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, more than half of these research units have been awarded “Excellent” and “Very Good”. Many of these centers are used asinterfaces for institutions, bringing the University together, as a main partner, along with other organizations representing external interests. Assuming itself as a Research University, UPORTO is responsible for over 20% of the Portuguese scientific papers indexed each year in the ISI - Web of Science (ISI-WoS). The competences center for active and healthy aging from the University of Porto (Porto4Ageing currently lectures a Digital Health course in the Faculty of Pharmacy (, and an adult/senior entrepreneurship course ( do-porto/). Hence, Porto4Ageing has extensive teaching experience, mainçy in the fields of health and business support. .

ELísio Costa, PHD

Elísio Costa is a professor at the Department of Biological Sciences of the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Porto and a researcher in the Research Unit on Applied Molecular Biosciences of the same institution (UCIBIO). He is also the Director of the Competence Center on Ageing of the University of Porto, which aims to work as a convergence Centre of all the skills and knowledge of the University in the field of ageing; and co-coordinator of the activities of the University of Porto as an INNOSTARS RIS-Hub of EIT-Health. He has beena member of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (EIP-AHA) on the Action Group A1 on Adherence to Prescription and Medical Plans, being the co-coordinator of one of the objectives of this Action Group. Moreover, he is the scientific coordinator of the EIP-AHA four-starred Reference Site: Porto4Ageing. He is author of more than 200 publications ( and has collaborated in national and international research projects in the field of chronic diseases, namely chronic kidney disease and ageing (SACHI2; SKILLS4ADHERENCE; ICTSKILLS4ALL, FAIR4HEALTH, others)

Cláudia Campos

Holds a bachelor’s degree in Sociology (FLUP), a master’s in Sociology and Health (FLUP/FMUP), and an Integrated Master’s in Dental Medicine (FMDUP). With experience in the field of public health research (ISPUP), is currently part of the Competence Center for Active and Healthy Aging, where she participates in various activities. She is also engaged in teaching a course in Digital Health, a partnership between the Faculty of Pharmacy and the Biomedical Sciences  Institute of U.Porto, which was awarded for Excellence in Pedagogical Innovation

San Astra

Established in 2018, SanAstra Foundation aims to empower individuals and improve quality of life of patients by improving their health literacy and (digital) health literacy. Our vision is to fill the communication gap between health professionals and patients, to make sure no one is ever alone with a challenge of not understanding what the doctor told. Our mission is to raise awareness about (digital) health literacy globally and one of our ongoing projects is providing a platform of a video library of stories and experiences in the ”doctors’ office”, designed to empower both patients and health professionals and to enable experience-based knowledge. We are working to continuously grow our diverse collection of storytelling short videos where both, patients and health professionals can share unique real-life experiences related to navigating care through a health system, specifically exploring doctorpatient relationships. Our hope is for everyone to be able to learn from and support each other, and for educators and patient organizations to be able to use our content to their benefit. SanAstra Foundation is an NGO, based in Oslo, Norway with an international board of directors, from Norway, Slovenia, Serbia, Montenegro and Indonesia.  If you need more information, please visit our website:

Eva Turk, PhD, MBA

As a health systems researcher, Eva desires to find and implement safe and sustainable healthcare delivery models globally through co-creation and smart technologies and digital solutions.  She has 15+ years experience in health systems research, currently developing a research group in Inclusive Digital Community Care at the Centre for Digital Health and Social Innovation at the University of Applied Sciences St. Pölten. She is the coordinator of the Austrian Digital Health and Social Innovation Ecosystem with the ECHAlliance, and serves on Board of Directors HTAi, and Women in Global Health Norway and Austria. Eva is also an associate professor working on task shifting, digital health, ethics in AI and digital health literacy at the University of South- Eastern Norway.  Her research has been focused on person centred care, digital health, patient safety, health technology assessment and quality of life. She teaches EBM, HTA and Public Health at the Medical Faculty, University in Maribor and is Public Health delegate with the Emergency Response Unit at the Norwegian Red Cross.  She holds an MBA in Healthcare Management and a PhD in Health Sciences. Originally from Slovenia, she has studied, lived and worked in Austria, Japan, Finland, Spain, Argentina, Syria and Norway.  She believes that knowledge transfer, capacity building, motivation and empowerment through eduction represent a cornerstone for improving the society, therefore, she founded SanAstra Foundation, dedicated to improve (digital) health literacy. Apart from the healthcare expertise, Eva is passionate about the sustainable development and the SDG's, in particular SDG 5, Gender Equality.  

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