Porto In-Person meeting

EDU-FIT: A Step Towards Healthier Lifestyles for Students

On 5th and 6th June 2024, the EDU-FIT project held an in-person meeting at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Porto. The meeting brought together project coordinators, partners, and stakeholders to discuss the progress and future plans of the project.

Day 1: Setting the Stage

The first day of the meeting was dedicated to presentations and discussions on various aspects of the project. Natalia Kaloh Vid, the project coordinator, along with other members, presented an overview of the project’s objectives achieved in the first six months. They discussed the intermediate report, project activities, budget, and management. The importance of finishing the work packages consecutively and the significance of dissemination were emphasized

A key takeaway from the day was the need for all partners to have two “critical friends” to provide feedback on project activities. The partners also discussed the development of a handbook and curriculum, guidelines for canteen staff, and sensitive communication strategies.

Day 2: Deep Dives into Specific Areas

The second day of the meeting saw presentations on more specific areas of the project. Representatives from the University of Economics in Bratislava presented a draft of the curriculum for a new elective course to be developed in WP5. The curriculum will focus on teaching students how to cook healthy and cheap, as well as simple exercises. The course will be named “EDU-FIT: Preventing Obesity and Developing Healthy Lifestyles.”

Another highlight of the day was the presentation by Ana Pavlina on the nutrition for the students of the University of Zagreb. The presentation provided insights into the dining options available at universities in each country, including meal prices and payment methods.

Sanja Seljan presented on the topic of sensitive communication. The presentation highlighted the importance of communication and stress management in obesity prevention. The European Society for the Study of Obesity has a new “language matters” policy, emphasizing the need for neutral, respectful, and sensitive communication.

Looking Ahead

The meeting concluded with final remarks and planning for future partner meetings. The partners agreed to hold online meetings in July and August, followed by an in-person meeting in Maribor in September. The partners also discussed plans for webinars and other dissemination activities.

The EDU-FIT project is making significant strides towards its goal of preventing obesity and developing healthy lifestyle habits among students. The project’s focus on creating a comprehensive curriculum, developing sensitive communication strategies, and promoting healthy eating habits is a testament to its commitment to fostering healthier lifestyles for students.

Picture Galery